Chapter 25

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Blanket's POV

The smile on my face never leaves, even when I walk down the long hallway back to the waiting room. In fact, it grows bigger when I enter. Everyone looks up at me once I arrive, and they all smile wide, standing simultaneously. I lick my lips and nod at mom and dad.

For the longest time I had wondered where my mom went when she stopped seeing me. My dad would always tell me that I don't have a real mom and that the woman I had been seeing so often was just another one of his business people. I remembered her though - very vaguely, but I remembered her, and I knew that she was my mother.

And I knew that Natalie was my sister. I remembered her very faintly as well, we always played together when we were little; we were inseparable, and then when her and our mom stopped coming around, it was like I lost my best friend. Both of my best friends.

I never told my dad of this, though. I never asked about them. I just played along with whatever he told me. Still to this day, he doesn't know that I remembered either of them. No one does.


And now that I get to see both of my biological parents in the same room together again with my twin sister, it's like our little family is back together once again.

I sometimes wish that Prince and Paris had the same mother as Natalie and I, then everything would be absolutely perfect.

"She's ready for you." I say with a choked voice. My parents smile as they walk toward me, simultaneously hugging me, then allowing me to lead them back to Natalie's room.

I know everyone else is growing impatient and want to see Natalie, but for now, all she wants is to see her mother, father, and twin brother.

Dad takes a deep breath as we inch closer and closer to Natalie's room. I place my hand on his arm and give it a short rub to try and calm him, and he smiles down at me. I have always admired his smile. With everything he's been put through, he always had a smile on his face. I admire my dad, he is a very strong person.

And even though I was, and still am, a little angry with him about leaving us when we needed him the most, I can't really blame him for doing what he had to do, and I know now that he had to do it.

Besides, when he did leave, I didn't know him very well. Of course I knew of him, but I didn't remember much of him. Everyone was always telling me stories about him. And that's what helped me get to know him better.

Now that he's back home with us and I am two years older than I was when he left, I can take the time to get to know him like I had always wanted to and make new memories.

"Hey, baby girl!" mom announces excitedly once we enter Natalie's room. Her face lights up as we come closer to her and her mouth gapes the second she lays eyes on our dad.

"You're - you're  M-Mi" Natalie stutters and my dad steps forward- closer to her.

"Your father." our father finishes her sentence with a smile. He takes a seat at her bedside and extends his arm out to her, places his hand behind her head and brings her into him as he leans forward and places a kiss on her forehead. Natalie squeezes her eyes closed and I can almost see her heart pump out of her chest. I know she's happy. She's been waiting for such a long time to meet him, and today, the scheduled day of her death, she finally got to.

(Hey guys! I'm sorry that this chapter is so short. I've changed the plot so I have had to edit every chapter from 20 to the end of the book. But good news! This means that there will for sure be a third book in the "Return" series! And I am also SOOOOO sorry for such a late update. I have never updated so late, but the reason is that I have been so tired lately, and I'm working on another story. You guys should give it a read and some votes! It's called "Vandalizing Train Cars". Thank you so much for understanding, and don't forget to vote and comment! Thank you and I love you all!)

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