Chapter 23

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Taryn's POV

As we all finally arrive at the hospital, we are asked to allow the security guards to exit their cars before us. 

When everyone is able to exit their cars, we meet up and are immediately surrounded by paparazzi. Cameras flash all over the place and people crowd around our entire family, making it difficult for us to enter the hospital.

"Everybody out of the way, come on!" one of the security guards yells, working with the other three to move people out of the way.

Once we're finally inside, Katherine and Joseph walk up to the front desk to sign in. The four security guards stand at the entry doors to keep everyone other than family from entering. As Michael's parents talk to the woman at the front desk, I make my way past Prince, Paris, and Blanket, placing my hand on Paris's shoulder when I pass her as she looks up and smiles at me.

I walk up to the guards standing in the doorway and hesitate at first to tap one of them on the shoulder. Their large bodies associated with their height is far past intimidating.

"Um, excuse me, but," I begin and the man in the left center turns around and looks down at me. I nervously smile up at him, glancing down at my feet every few seconds.

"How are you going to bring Michael in here, sir?" I ask and the large man smiles, then chuckles.

"You don't have to call me sir, Taryn. It's Jedd."

"Okay, Jedd," I say, nodding. "do you know?" he nods, not moving his position at all.

"Two other guards are bringing him around the back," Jedd explains. "that way it's safer for him."

"Oh, alright," I say. "Thank you." Jedd nods and turns around once again, and I make my way back toward the front desk.

Blanket's POV

 "What were you doing back there talking to Jedd?" I ask my mom once she returns to her previous spot next to me behind my grandparents.

"I was just asking him how your dad's getting in here. I was a little nervous that they would bring him through the front, and there's no way they would have gotten him past all that craziness." mom explains and I nod, smiling.

"What?" she asks and I shake my head, pressing my lips into a straight-lined smile. 

"You get used to it, you know. All the 'craziness'." I say, mocking my mom's words. She playfully rolls her eyes and smiles, placing her hand on top of my head, then her arm around the back of my neck and pulling me in for a side hug. She releases me moments after, and I step forward, closer to my grandparents. They turn around and examine the rest of our family.

"Only a couple at a time." grandpa announces, turning to look at the lady behind the front desk.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. She doesn't know that any of you are here, and we don't want to overwhelm her."

I turn around and look up at my mom, trying to look as persuasive as possible. She raises her eye brows and tucks her lips under both sets of her teeth.

"I think I should go first." I suggest, forcing an intrigued smile onto my mother's face.

"Why do you think that, B?" mom asks.

"After everything we've been through, I think she would want to see me first, don't you?" I ask, sounding hopeful. I know that if I were in Natalie's situation, she's the first person that I would want to see.

"Don't be selfish, you are not the king, B." mom says, and I smirk as the perfect reply pops into my head.

"May not be the king, but I am the prince."

My mouth drops at my son's come back.

"I knew the name would come in handy some day." Michael's voice sounds as he appears from around the corner ahead of us and quietly cheers himself. I playfully roll my eyes and smile, scratching my son's head, messing up his hair.

"That really should be my joke." Prince says and everyone turns to face him, smiling. 

"Maybe, but it's my name, too." I argue and Prince rolls his eyes. The two of us then turn to look at our father, I cross my arms and Prince shoves his hands into his front pockets.

"See, this is what you get for giving them the same name." mom says and my dad shrugs and smiles, seeming to be pretty pleased with his name choices for my brother and I.

After all, he is the king.

"I think he's right," grandma agrees. I look up at her with a small smile, hoping that grandpa and dad will agree, and to my surprise, they do.

"Go," grandpa says, his voice cracking. He nods, motioning for me to walk past him and to Natalie's room. He has already suspected that I knew exactly where to go, and he was right.

"Don't be too long." I nod and smile, then make my way past them and down the hall toward Natalie's room. My heart pounds with each step, and with each step my legs seem to grow heavier and heavier, but I keep trudging on.

The walk seems to take forever, but I soon find myself at Natalie's door. It's open and the sound of a TV exerts through and out of the room. I stop at the outside of the room and stand there for a few moments trying to collect myself before I enter.

I can barely recall the last time I stepped foot into this hospital. The last time I saw my sister, her face was all bruised up and she was stiff as a rock, not breathing on her own. I rarely ever came here to visit every time everyone else in my family did because I never wanted to see her like that. I think that the reason why it's so hard for me to go in now - because today was supposed to be her death date.

"Just go, she's been asking about you all day." nurse Ainsley's voice whispers into my ear, making me jump. I turn around and look up at her to see her smiling wide. I open my arms and wrap them around her in a quick embrace, and moments after, she release me and gives me a light shove, forcing me in front of the open door. There's no turning back now.


Natalie's voice sends shivers down my spine, weakening me even more than any time before and I begin to cry. I can hear her crying as well, and I collect myself moments after my break down and walk to her.

I wipe my face and throw my arms around Natalie once I finally reach her - the tears once again spilling from my eyes when I hear the words "Oh my God." escape her lips.

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