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Because its already dark they decide to rest on a hotel
Yunlan rembered the old man said to him."His a pure evil, yunlan he sale his soul to the demon in order to get what he wants..." The old man said.
" what should I do?! How can I save him..tell me!please!" Yunlan said with a pleading tone.
"You must Bring him to the temple near the lake... Only there he could be safe...don't ever mention his name or even whispering it..his power would be strong and its bring more danger for you both" The old man said.
" after that what should we do?!he can't be on that temple forever." Yunlan asked he wants to know the details.
" bring him in...until then...you will know..." The old man smirk. A strong wind came.. And Yunlan have to close his eyes because the dust might hurt it...then the old man is gone.
" haist! Old man what are you really!! You're making me crazy!are you a ghost?! A fairy, a wizard! Oh whatever!!yunlan shout and breath deeply.

Ling and shenwei manage to organize the few things that they get on their secret escape.
" why we have to go to that temple? Shenwei asked while sitting on the bed.
" I cant explain right now... Im just asking you to believe in me... Shenwei,..the only thing you have to know is his spirit its pure evil he sale it on the demon in order to get you....and another thing never mention his name or even whisper it...because its bring a big problem to us.." yunlan said sitting beside him and wiping his own face with his palm upward to his forehead then he ruffles his own hair..Lingjing just look at him an annoyed look.
" Are you sure we have to believe him?I think his crazy "lingjing whisper to shenwei,
Shenwei shakes his head .
" lingjing can you order some food.. I saw a telephone on the receptionist counter...and ask the address of this hotel for the delivery. " Shenwei suggested,then Lingjing leave both of them on the room.Shenwei held yunlans hand.
" Yunlan, if you can't don't explain it.." Shenwei calmly said.
" but why Shenwei?.. Like Ling said I must be crazy.!" Yunlan whisper..
" no your not! cause if you are....then I'm more crazy." Shenwei simply said...then Yunlan smile...Yunlan stand up walk to the nearby window and look at the outside ,the darkness of the night giving him troubles.
"What is this feeling that keeps bothering me?" Yunlan whisper to himself.

Zhao yunlan sit beside Shenwei whose spacing out.
"Yunlan, I didn't have the chance to say this but....thankyou..." Shenwei said,shyly looking at yunlan
" what is it....I saw you spacing out?"yunlan ask.
"Nothing.." Shenwei said his starting to blush..
"You can't fool me..,your not nagging anymore... OK! Don't tell if you want...I understand." Yunlan said pouted.
Shenwei breath deeply ,
"Its just...I don't understand... Why me?!....of all people why me?....I'm scared....." Shenwei blurted out,he is shaking,his tears is escaping on those two black orb's. He then wipe it with his hand.
"Shenwei let me show you...something.." Yunlan put out his cellphone on his pocket.he don't know why even days pass the battery is still the same when he first come on this time.though it got wet on the pond it still intact,though no signal he can use it anyway
He played a hiphop dance,he gave the mobile phone to shenwei who is startled.
Then he dance like a robot. Shenwei can't help but laugh.
"Hey! Why are you laughing don't you know that I'm a great dancer!" Yunlan proudly said while still dancing none stop. Then the sounds stop and turn to a sweet music.. Yunlan walk closely to shenwei then held his hand.
" may I?" Yunlan asked. Shenwei gladly accept it.yunlan hands touch on Shenwei waist while Shenwei 's is in yunlan's shoulder. Their have no space's between them.
" I wish we can be like this forever" yunlan said..his forehead is touching Shenwei's forehead.
"I'm glad...yunlan.. Cause your here with me..." Shenwei said closing his eyes and feel their hot breath with each other.In his arms he forget all the things that botherings him..he feel secured on his arms. This person that he only meet a few days ago is making new feelings that unknown to him.
"Listen Shenwei.... I can't tell you that you don't have to be scared... Because I'am too...but I want you to remember that I'm always be with you....I will protect you...and as long as I'm here he can't do those things to you..." Yunlan said.
Then he kiss those pink lips,gentle at first then Shenwei let him enter ...the kiss was so hot and demanding the worries and fears are all gone,the only thing thats matter is the feeling that they feel right now...

"No!!Zhujue screams..he realized that shenwei had escaped from his grasped... all the things on that room is scattered.
" he will be mine!!
"That guy I will kill him!!
And he will be mine alone"
"I will find him where ever he go..."Then he look at the telephone then he smirk...

On the other hand Lingjing borrowed the telephone on the receptionist counter.
" thankyou miss beautiful " Lingjing said then he smile sweetly on the receptionist that already blushing.
When he take the receiver on his ear and try to dial the #of shenwei's favorite restaurant. The phone already Ring,.. Lingjing is shock ..when he hear a familiar voice even the voice is deep and cold..
"Zhui..jue!!" He said.then he realized what he just done...but its too late ...the blood is flowing in Lingjing nose, eyes,ears...then his eyes change in pure black with no white.....he smirk evilly.

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