It's Nice to Meet you

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"It's a healthy boy!"

"Time of birth, April 11, 00."

"Do you have a name picked out for him, miss?"

"Yes, Legosi." Your vision is blurry, unfocused. You can hear voices speaking out, one after another. Where were you? You were laying down on your side, and you could hear someone crying. You slowly sit up, looking around.

It was an empty void. There wasn't anything to look at. It was just a bunch of nothing. The crying got louder, almost deafening. You look around wildly, trying to find the source of the crying. You feel something warm pass through your body. It's soothing, both for you and for whoever was crying. You could hear someone shushing the other, it's oddly comforting.

" little wolf Legosi..." The whole void turns white, forcing you to squint. When it darkens again, you saw a smiling face staring back at you. It was a gentle smile, contrasting with the face it belonged to. The wolfess reached out with one of her claws, and you see a smaller paw grip it clumsily. It was weird, like you were seeing it from the baby's perspective.


You were still looking at the image, watching the mother set the baby down in a crib, cupping what you guess was the face of the baby, giving a closed smile.

"Sweet dreams, my little wolf." She whispers, shutting the lights off and closing the door. The baby, who you think is named Legosi, babbles at nothing in particular. He stills after a moment, ad you can hear him snoring.


A few years pass by, all spent observing Legosi's life. He was a quiet kid, despite being a wolf. You watched him spend a lot of his time by himself, whether it was at home or at school. You always got a feeling of him being oddly lonely however. Despite his best efforts, no one really wanted to be with him, likely because of his status as a potentially dangerous carnivore. The problem you had with that was the fact that he didn't even try to make friends, opting to remain out of the picture entirely.

"I wish I knew why you do this..." You say quietly, voice echoing in the void.


The bell signaling the end of class had rung, and Legosi had just started his walk home. You watch him look at nothing in particular, taking a slow trip back home. Aside from the occasional bird tweeting and bugs letting out their sounds, it was quiet. You decided right then and there that you'd help him come out of his shell, starting with revealing your existence to him. You clear your throat, speaking slowly.

"Hey, can you hear me?" Legosi stopped instantly, looking around wildly. You chuckled.

"Don't bother, I'm nowhere in your sight, kiddo." He stops swinging his head, and you continue.

"Sorry about this, but I've kinda been in your head since you were born." His breath stutters.

"W-who are you?"

"That's kind of hard to explain...I don't really know myself. We'll talk some more when you get home, ok?" With that, you simply stayed quiet, waiting for Legosi to return home. He said hello to his mother, walking to his room and closing the door. He sat on his bed.

"...Hello? Are you there?" He asked to the empty room.

"Yeah, nice of you to close the door." You say. Legosi looked around.

"Where are you?"

"Like I said, I'm in your head."

"Well, get out of it then!"

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