Childhood Troubles

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"You sure do love being alone, don't you?" You say as you watch Legosi building something in the sand.

"People don't really like me, that's why. I didn't choose to be alone..." He mutters under his breath. You watch him build what looks to be a very crude castle. Well, more like a mound of sand with some sticks and stones.

"So, uh. What exactly are you trying to build?"

"A castle."

"Uh-huh..." You say.

"Look, he's here again."

"Oh, that's the gray wolf, isn't it?"

"I heard he goes to the courtyard just to chant curses!" You could hear the whispers of other animals directed at Legosi. You'd scold them if you were able to. You clicked your tongue in annoyance.

"Just ignore them. If they don't want to play with you it's their loss." You say.

"...Is it really though?"

"Hey, we talked about this, don't blame yourself." You say gingerly.

"Don't you wanna go play with everyone else, Legosi-kun?" A new voice drew both your attention, and Legosi shifts his view to see a young labrador. He stares at Legosi for a minute, then chuckles nervously.

"I live near you, that's how I know your name..." Legosi doesn't reply.

" got some dirt on your face." The labrador points out. Legosi just wipes his face with his shirt and runs off.

"Hey, why are you running? You could've made a friend just now!"

"I don't need any friends."

"Why not?!" You say, losing your patience with the wolf.

"Because-" Legosi starts, but stops as he hears the labrador following him trip.

"You're so weird..." The dog says, laying flat on the ground. You can see tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Hey...go help him up." You say to Legosi quietly. He walks over to the labrador, crouching down.

"You're not smiling." Legosi says, reaching out with his hand to help the dog up.

"Of course not! I'm mad. This is the first time I'm talking to a wolf, and yet..." He trails off. "I'm jealous."


"Why? It's because us dogs were bred to be specialized in intelligence! We don't have any of that belligerence or strength you wolves have." The dog finishes.

"Is it really something to be jealous of?" Legosi asks quietly.

"Huh?" Legosi stands up, wiping some dirt off of his pants.

"I don't want any of what you said. I'm jealous of you." He says, walking away.

"Hey! This looks fun!" One of the lion cubs says walking over.

"It's the original versus the artificial!" Another calls. Legosi is roughly moved directly across from the lab.

"This is a fight between the original and the artificial!"

"Come on, Jack!"

"Get him Legosi! Beat that artificial!" Numerous cheers rang out in favor of the wolf. You shook your head.

"Geez, some mess you got yourself in, huh?" You say as the rest of the class makes a ring. Legosi looks around in fear and confusion.

"[N-name], what do I do?"

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