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(Artwork once again drawn by the wonderful Alkemono over on Deviantart, from chapter seven!)

It was raining. Dark clouds covered the sky and poured water on anything that stepped outside. In an isolated part of the town, there was a deer and a wolf standing underneath a tree, the wolf holding a few dandelions in his arms. He gingerly set them down, next to a bouquet of roses.

"Hello again, [Name]."

"Hard to believe it's been a few months..." The two animals stood there silently. Eventually, the deer turned to walk away, gazing back at the wolf.

"Come on Legosi, you'll catch a cold in this weather." Legosi finally relented after staring at the flowers for a long while, turning around and following the deer back to where a car was parked. A single lion waited for them, opening the door for the two and closing it afterward.

"Where to boss?"

"Well Legosi?"

"Oh. Just drop me off near the Hidden Condo." It's a quiet drive. The only sounds coming from the gentle hum of the engine. When they arrived, Legosi stepped out.

"Thank you for the ride back Louis-senpai."

"Think nothing of it, now go on. Have a good night Legosi." Legosi watched as the car sped off into the night. With a sigh he turned his gaze to the moon.

"Goodnight [Name]."


Legosi couldn't believe it. There was no way. Everything would suggest what he saw was some sort of hallucination. Or some sick joke his mind played on him. But there was no mistaking what he saw. She looked exactly like he remembered. He watched as she slowly disappeared from her sight. He needed to get off the train and follow her, now. He stopped, realizing that he didn't even know where she'd be, or was going to be at least. So he did the only thing he could think of.


"Hey boss! That wolf of yours is back!"

"I thought I told you he isn't mine."

"Yeah, but he's waving his arms and drawing a lot of unwanted attention."

"Let him in." Louis watched Ibuki leave to get Legosi, shaking his head. "What does that wolf want now?" He muttered to himself. He waited in his office, watching the door. Legosi walked in, ears perked straight up and tail wagging.

"Louis-senpai!" He started.

"Calm down, you dumb dog! What the hell's gotten into you?" Legosi blinked, actively stopping his tail from wagging.

" do I put this..." He says, tilting his head. There was an awkward moment of silence as the deer watched the wolf struggle with what he wanted to say.

"Spit it out." Louis said irritably.

"I saw [Name]." Louis blinked, expression set in a dead stare. Legosi nervously shuffled in place. "She was on the train opposite of mine."

"Legosi, are you being serious right now?"

"Why would I joke about something like this?" Legosi said incredulously.

"Legosi, think about it for a second. Why would [Name] show up now of all times? And not only that, why to you? For all we know, it could have been your mind playing tricks on you or something!"

"But what if it was [Name]? We have to find her!"

"You have to find her." Legosi's eyes widened.

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