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Legosi sat there, staring at Louis nervously. He didn't know what to think. What to say.

"I-i'm not sure what you mean by that Louis-senpai..." He flinched when the deer narrowed his eyes.

"I am asking if it's possible you somehow stole [Name] from me." Legosi blinked.

"Er, I don't think so? [Name] has been with me since I was born so..." He trailed off. Louis nodded, looking away in thought.

"Would it be possible for me to speak to her?" Louis asked after a moment. Legosi shook his head.

"I don't think so. At least, not one on one. You'd have to ask the questions and wait for her to reply to me." Louis nodded, standing up.

"Then it appears there's only a few things to do in this situation." Legosi looked at him with a confused stare.

"And that is?"


"Ah, you must be Legosi! He's in his room. Please, make yourself at home."

"Thank you..." Legosi nodded to the servant. He followed their instructions, knocking on the door and waiting for a reply.

"Come in." Louis said behind the door. Legosi stepped in, closing the door behind him.

"So, what do we do now?" Louis motioned to some sheets of paper on his desk, picking them up as he did.

"There's a few questions I wanted to ask [Name], to test some things out first. Wouldn't do to get my hopes up this early." Legosi nodded, sitting on the floor.

"Alright, first question. Do you have any memory of me at all?" Louis waited while Legosi retrieved the answer from you.

"Not at all." He frowned, but moved on to the next. And so it went. Each question posed by the deer was met with a negative response, a sigh, and the scribble of a pencil as he crossed each question off the list. When he got to the last question, he faltered.

"Last question... Do you remember the promise you made to me?" Louis bit his lip, waiting for his answer. A shake of Legosi's head told him everything. He sighed, crossing off the last question.

"[Name] says she's sorry." Legosi said quietly. Louis waved off the apology.

"She doesn't have anything to apologize for. I suppose it was foolish of me to think she'd remember anything from our time together." The soft chime of the clock drew their attention.

"It's late. Why don't you stay here for the night?"

"E-eh? Is that really okay?"

"If it wasn't I wouldn't have offered."


"Huh, that's a change..." You say as you stand in the middle of a field of flowers. Legosi hadn't shown up, even though you saw him fall asleep. You wander around in the fields for a bit, watching the flowers sway in the breeze. You spot a tree in the distance, along with someone sitting underneath it. Figuring it to be Legosi, you amble over, pausing when you realize who it is.

"Louis?" The deer turned, eyes widening slightly in surprise.

"Ah. [Name]. What are you doing here?" You shrugged, walking over and sitting down next to him.

"Dunno. Usually I'd be on a train with Legosi by now." Louis nods, frowning. You glance at him, watching the deer's eyes shift and ear twitch. "Something up?" He turns to look at you.

"Can you... do something for me?" You blink, but nodded slowly. He shuffles closer, reaching out with a hand. You stay still as he brushes some of your hair back. He smiles. It looks nice on him.

"You really are [Name], aren't you?"

"Well yeah, do you see any other humans?" He laughs.

"I suppose not." He pulls away, standing up. "I should be going. It's not good to dwell on the past too much." He starts walking away. You don't know why, but something tugged at you to stop him.

"Wait!" You call, standing up as well and grabbing his wrist. He pauses, turning to look back at you. You freeze, realizing you leapt before thinking. "Can you actually stay? Just until Legosi gets here." Louis frowns, biting his lip.

"I really shouldn't..."

"Please?" You beg. He takes one look at your face, caving after a bit, letting you guide him back to the tree. "Can I ask you something?" He nods. "What was I like? The me you know, I mean." Louis sighs, looking away.

"She was like you, basically. Just like how you helped Legosi, [Name]-" He pauses, realizing it'd get confusing fast. "My [Name] helped me, up until... well, you already know." You nod. You and Louis stand there for a bit, looking out at the field of flowers.

"...I miss her." You hear Louis whisper. You glance at him. "I wish I never said those things to her. I said some truly awful things. I wish I could take it all back, just to talk to her again..." He says, ears drooping. You look at him sadly.

"Louis..." You say. He shakes his head.

"Don't. I don't want to be pitied. Please, just. Go." You frown, wishing you could do more for him, but you weren't the same [Name] he knew.

You weren't His [Name]. You bit your lip, hoping edging closer to him. He looks back at you, confusion in his eyes.

"What are you?" You pull him into a hug, burying your head into his chest.

"I'm sorry. I know it doesn't mean much coming from me, but it's all I can offer." Your muffled words sends shivers through the deer. He slowly reciprocates the gesture, resting his head on yours.

"No it's... fine. More than I could hope for." He whispers. You felt him relax in your grip. He pulls away, a genuine smile forming on his lips.

"Thank you." You nod, smiling back.

"Louis-senpai! [Name]!" You both turn to find Legosi running up to you. You put your hands on your hips, frowning.

"There you are, I was wondering when you'd show up!" You say, raising a brow. Legosi has the decency to let his tail droop.

"S-sorry. I got lost." Louis raises a brow.

"Lost? There's only one tree here, how can you get lost?"

"I don't know. It's like something stopped me from finding you two." Legosi lamely replies. You shake your head and sigh.

"Well, you're here now, that's all that really matters." You turn to Louis, smiling,

"Well, guess this is goodbye for now then." He nods.


"Thanks for sticking around with me. I hope your [Name] comes back to you one day." You say. He nods, turning to leave. He fades away after walking a few feet away. You turn back to Legosi.

"So, what do you want to discuss tonight?"


Ever since that night, Legosi and Louis had started to meet up outside of the drama club. Whether it was for a simple trip to the town or to practice for the upcoming play, there was something that had connected them to each other. You didn't mind. Legosi seemed more happy than ever. Surprisingly, Louis continued to show up alongside Legosi during your nightly talks.

Bit by bit, you got them both to open up to each other. Louis told you about the other you. How she had greatly contributed to his outlook on life as a whole. It was certainly interesting to hear how other you dealt with the deer in his earlier days. After a while, you all grew accustomed to each other's habits. Legosi would often wag his tail at the mention of his senpai. And Louis would discreetly try to hide the way his ears twitched whenever he heard mention of the wolf.

It was cute, in a way. Of course, you weren't exempt from this. Time and again, the two would sometimes fight over who got to talk with you first, what preferences you had, that sort of stuff. You took it all in stride, gently reprimanding them whenever it got out of hand.

You wanted it to last forever. Unfortunately for you, time didn't work like that.

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