Bitter Loss

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"I brought some dandelions for you."

"Good boy. These flowers are lovely. We ought to put them in a vase."

"Do you want to come buy a vase with me?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Legosi. I'm too scared to go outside." Legosi frowns, ears drooping. You sat there, feeling sorry for the wolf. It had been a few weeks since Legosi's mother had hid herself away all of a sudden. You and Legosi couldn't figure out why. The only clue you had was she did it shortly after taking a family photo. Legosi's grandpa, a komodo dragon, peeked his head out from around the corner.

"Oh, Legosi! Back already? Want to make spring rolls with me?" Legosi turns to him with a smile, nodding happily. As the two sit down to make the rolls, Legosi glances up at his grandfather.

"Grandpa, is mom going to come out soon?"

"Well, I can't be sure. Don't worry so much, okay? She's just a little unwell, so she doesn't have her usual vigor. I'm sure she'll be out soon. She wouldn't want to miss seeing you grow up!" Legosi nods, and returns his gaze to the spring roll he's making. You caught the solemn look from his grandpa though.

You and him both knew that wasn't true.


"So, what do you wanna talk about this time?" It had been a few years since Legosi's mother shut herself away in that room, and you had decided to take on the semi-role of guiding the wolf throughout the years. By the time he was his current age of twelve, he became even more of a recluse. He had a few friends, though none were particularly close. He also grew, a lot. By this time, he was almost eye level with you, with his ears hitting your neck. Legosi stood there, looking at the train pulling into the station.

Ever since the first trip you two had taken, he found himself fixated on the transportation, always asking for you to take him somewhere that would require a train, or not.

"...[Name], do you think mom is hiding because she's upset about something?" He asks as you both board. You tilt your head, taking a seat next to one of the window.

"What do you mean?" He sighs, ears drooping.

"It's been almost three years since I've seen her, [Name]. I barely can remember her face unless I look at a photo!" He pauses, finding the words to say. "What if... What if she doesn't-" You cut him off before he says anything else. You look at him with a stern gaze.

"Legosi, I can tell you with certainty that you mother does not want to see you. It's just not plausible."

"Is it really though?" He brushes your hand off, gazing at the passing flock of birds. "She always sounds so quiet whenever she talks, and whenever I ask her about it she just dodges the question." He turns back to you, tears starting to form in his eyes. "What did I do wrong?"

Oh boy, this isn't good. You gently pull the wolf into a hug, patting his head.

"Nothing, there's nothing you did wrong, you hear me? There's no way she doesn't want to see you, it has to be something else." He looks up from your chest, a defeated look in his eye.

"Then what is it?" You bit your lip.

"I don't know." You sit there, comforting him to the best of your ability. The quiet is broken by a sudden lurch of the train car, and the lights flicker.

"What the hell?" You say, looking around.

"[N-name]!" Legosi cries. You turn back to see him turning more and more see through. He looks to you in panic. "What's happening?!"

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