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🌟 Lucy 🌟

"Ugh, I'm never going on a train again!"

"Same here, Salamander." 

I rolled my eyes as the two Dragon Slayers started to kiss the ground once we were off the train.

Currently, Team Natsu and Team Shadow Gear were doing a job. Well, not exactly, me and Levy got a request specifically for us, but as always the rest of my team persisted that they'd go along too. Gajeel wouldn't let Levy go alone either and Jet and Droy started to get to their usual jealous attitude and tagged along as well.

"This way." Called Erza as she hopped off of the train car. The station was smaller then most, and very old, mainly made out of wood. The only thing that seemed to pop out in the bland train station was a hanging wooden sign that read, "WELCOME TO FURUI" on it.

Me and Levy watched as Erza took the lead out of the archway exit and down a steep path that lead to an open valley, a good walk away from the actual town. "I wonder why they built the train station so far away?" Pondered Levy beside me.

"According to this map," stated Erza, fiddling with the large piece of paper. "It was one of the first small towns to settle in Fiore, most of the residents here aren't very fond of modern things, weither that be a large piece of machinery or the train."

"Well then, it must be very slow moving." I added, watching as Happy flew over me doing bored loopty loops. Wendy decided to stay behind for this mission, not wanting to steal a share of Levy and I's reward money, but it seems the others didn't take the hint, now I'm going to have to do double the normal amount of jobs to pay my rent! But, anyway, that meant no Carla for the day, much to Happy's dismay.

"I agree, but apparently it was once quite the attraction." Erza then handed me the map telling me to turn it around.

There was a small paragraph about the town there, saying how the plants never seemed to die or regrow, and how it has been the same for years, but what really caught my eye was a section with the sub heading ' Setto Steals The Great Library'. It was mostly about how the town once had a grand library filled with all kinds of ancient magics, which they called 'The Great Library', but it suddenly disapeared, many believing it was taken by a witch which the people of Furui nicknamed Setto, since she was described as 'a no good stealing hag'.

"Interesting.." I mumbled and look over to see Levy struggling to look over my arm at the map. "That's so cool! Local fiction like this always makes me want to learn more about their calture." She swooned and I nooded in agreement.

Gajeel huffed and flicked Levy's head. "Keep walkin' Shrimp, or else we'll never get there."

Rolling her eyes she continued down the path and I noticed that even though most of the area was open and hilly, there was a rather large forest to the right.

As we entered the town, finially, everything seemed off. The people seemed bored, as if they had been doing the same thing for years, and every last one of them were gray haired and wrinkled.

"Why're they all a bunch of old geezers?" Gajeel muttered and Levy scolded him.

But he had a point, it was a little odd. Every last one of them were between the ages of sixty and seventy and even with the thirty minutes of walking we did, not a single child.

Finially, we reached a small stone house, right on the edge of town plopped on top of a large hill just in front of the untamed forest. "We're here." Erza said and knocked on the door, her armor chinking as she moved. Suddenly, the door was flung open startiling Droy and causing him to throw is to-go barbeque chicken onto Jet, sauce smearing on his face.

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