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🌟 Lucy 🌟


"Nah, that can't be her."

"But look, she looks exactly like her!"

"How did this happen?"

I looked down at my feet as I walked beside Erza through the large guild. If I had to describe this place in one word, it'd be chaotic. People of all sorts were throwing around spells and food, sometimes even furniture at one another. They seemed to be in a mass argument, but when Erza walked beside them they all silenced, staring curiously at Natsu and me.

The pink-haired boy made his way up from the back of the group and on the other side of Erza, still maintaining a good distance since I imagine he was still slightly shaken from the glare she gave him after our argument. 

"What happened?" Boomed a voice through the large hall. My eyes widened, just what was going on? Levy had explained to me that the master of Fairy Tail, Makarov, could fix all my problems, and I assumed she meant help me get to my father. 

I imagined the master on the train, Erza said he was a very powerful and strong wizard so I pictured him as this broad, large man. Natsu even added to my image saying he had the weirdest mustache he ever saw. Now that I think about it, that was the first time we ever talked without an insult or panic and granted it wasn't a full-blown conversation, but it was kind of nice? What am I even saying?

I sigh and shake my head before taking in my surroundings a bit more. I was in the center of the large room now, the adults stood in front of me and Natsu blocking us from the crowd and this 'master', so I couldn't see much besides a long bar to the left with a sweet looking bartender who gave me a curious but sweet gaze. 

"Why hello Lucy," she said gently and I smiled. With all this debate if I was 'the Lucy', it was nice to be called my name without is being a question or argument. 

"Alright, alright. Everyone calm down! Let me see Natsu and Lucy." 

The man began to fight through the crowd and this big, bold, strong man I imagined disappeared as he squeezed between Gajeel and Gray, revealing a short and very old person.

"By Mavis," he said under his breath. "How did this happen!" Levy instantly came forward but Natsu rushed over to hug the man, crushing him into his chest since he was just a bit taller than the master.

"Gramps! At least your the same, everyone around here is so big but you're just as little as ever!"

"Yes, I'm so glad for that." He said sarcastically, I'm guessing Natsu hit a weak spot with his words. The two pulled away and master began to have a deep conversation with the bluenette. I sighed once more, awkwardly holding my own hand while watching everyone stare at the two of us.

"Oi! What gives!" The pinkette shouted from beside me. "Well, it's not exactly manly to shrink down to the size of Happy!" A white-haired man said crossing his large, muscular arms.

"Oh shut up, Elfman! Go back to being shy and baking your cupcakes!" Everyone laughed at Natsu's remark and the man he referred to as Elfman seemed upset by this, soon a big argument broke out.

At the manor, I could only dream of saying something so disrespectful to someone, especially someone older than me. Granted, I was a bit rude to that pink-haired punk, but only because he had no respect for the Heartfilia name.

"Would you like a drink?" The voice scared me, but when I turned I was met with the kind blue eyes of the bartender. "Yes I would, thank you very much." I say quietly and trot behind her to the bar, which she helped sit at.

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