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 🔥 Natsu 🔥

"Don't worry, Natzu! Nothing much changed if anything our cabin is way cooler, now!" Happy shouted, walking beside me. "In fact, I think we saved our old fishing rods somewhere, I'd find it though."

I nodded, looking down. I felt bad about ignoring Lucy, I shouldn't have just walked away from her. She didn't know. But, still, it hurt me just thinking about being alone here, and yet I didn't want to go back to the guild. I felt left out there.

I didn't think it was possible to feel this way about the guild, and yet I do. Everyone looks so different, and get along so well. They've seemed to have done more together than they ever did with me, the Iron Head who was hanging out with Levy acted as though he had been there for years. Even Happy was different, and I didn't like it.

"'Kay, Happy," I muttered before stepping inside, seeing the cabin look just as messy as I had left it, except all the clothes on the floor were huge, and my hammock was more ripped than usual. The cabin was small, essentially only two rooms, the main room, and the bathroom. There was a kitchen behind the living room (which was just a beat-up couch, and a lacrama crystal I had earned on my first job). A large window was to the right of the Livingroom, where my hammock hung, full of dirty clothes and old food.

"Hey, Happy, if everything's supposed to be different than why is the cabin almost exactly the same?" I ask, examining my house.

Happy paused, climbing the little stool in front of the sink to reach his fish which always sat in there. "We've been alone together for a very long time, Natzu." The cat whispered, munching on his fish. "We don't spend a lot of time here, anyways, Lushee's house is more like our home, this is just a place where we keep our stuff."

I was confused by this, looking around I notice there was something different about the cabin. On the back wall that was usually blank was shelves upon shelves filled with items. Some were pictures, others were lacramas, but the majority seemed o be old jobs and useless junk. "Luce's house? Why would her house be more of a home to us."

"Lushee's so nice to us, Natzu. Even when I make her mad she never turned me down." Happy mutters. I've never seen him be so genuine about anyone. "And even when she's weird or mean we have so much fun! One time we stayed up all night playing board games! Oh, and she cooks for us sometimes." The blue cat just kept rambling on and on about Lucy, but I listened to every word. I liked Lucy before, but now that I got to learn more about what she is like, I really like her.

"But I don't remember doing all that with Luce."

Happy completely stops talking, staring at me for a moment, before he completely tarts bawling, running over to me and hugging my leg, screaming. "No! I want Natzu back! I want the old Natzu and Lushee! I don't want you to forget everything! I want Lushee! back!"

I honestly didn't know what to do. Happy was having a complete breakdown in front of me. I tried picking him up to calm him down but nothing worked. "Hey- wait, little bud, relax. C'mon, Happy, y-your okay!"

I sighed when he continued, desperately trying to get him to stop. Suddenly there was a knock at my door, and Luce's voice called through it. I felt a rush flow through me when I realized it was her.

"Natsu, is everything alright?" She asks.

Quickly, I stumble around the dirty piles of clothing and junk on the ground, nearly tripping with Happy in my arms as I did, and opened the door, only to see the blonde standing there with a huge box full of objects. "What's all this for?" I ask with a grin, but Lucy doesn't meet it.

"Aw, Happy, are you alright?" She says, her voice full of concern. She drops the box and grabs Happy from my hands, shushing him and patting his back like a baby. The blue cat wailed about how mean I was. I didn't even do anything!

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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