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I know, I know, I was due a chapter ages ago but something serious happened. I was staying upstate for a week since I'm on holiday with my little sister, but suddenly our stuff is packed up and we're heading back to the city. Of course we're confused as to why, but when we get there we find out our mother was in the hospital and someone stole Gizmo.

According to her, she was walking Gizmo at night when the guy grabbed her and started to beat her. Gizmo was being the loyal dog he is and began to bite the guy so he cut it short, pushed my mom against a pipe, grabbed her phone and ran off with Gizmo.

We live down the street from the police station so she filed a report and was rushed off to the hospital because when he pushed her against the pipe she got cut of her hip and had to get stiches.

I remember feeling devastated, my mother could have been killed and my dog was just snatched away.

But I thank god that we put a tracker in him. Everyone who has a pet should put a tracker or chip in them because it could save your furry friend's life.

So we were able to track him down all the way to Brooklyn (we live in Manhattan), the guy was taking Gizmo in street like patterns but along the way his tracker started making unpredictable movements so we assumed he figured Giz had a tracker and dropped him, unless he was going off in between alleyways, which I doubt.

We spent the next two days calling for him and looking for him in the areas his tracker was generally in, since it wasn't 100% that he was in that exact spot.

And yesterday, we got a call from a nice lady who said she found him and washed him up.

Gizmo means the world to me and I was so happy he was okay and wasn't injured, we picked him up today and I couldn't stop crying.

I was really creating a book of pictures of Gizmo and trying to find the energy to even type that Gizmo was gone. But, I don't want my work to go to waste, so for now, this book is going to be on hold for a bit just so I can spend more time with Gizmo, most likely till next Saturday, so until then feel free to feast yourself on pictures of Gizmo in a book Imma post.

I doubt the police officers are going to find the assaulter since the main thing he stole was recovered, but I know they'll 'keep trying' to keep us happy since mom was attacked. I'm just happy it was nothing to serious and we have Gizmo back.

Thank you for your patience. I love Gizmo so much and just the thought of him protecting my mother makes my love him even more, it's scary to think that guy would have continued his assault if he wasn't there.

~Ari and Gizmo~

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