•|• Announcement •|•

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Hello, my lovely readers!

So before you skim over this thinking I'm changing the schedule or am not updating for the next seven years hear me out! This is not an announcement where I deliver some bad news!

First things first, for my readers who've won the special surprise, don't think I've forgotten about you! Quite the contrary, I am working on your reward now, so just hang in there for me!

Next, I want to address the fact that I mentioned my 'big update' to the Idea Book a couple of chapters back, well, it turns out it's not going to be as big as I wanted it to be. Writers' block is a bad one. I hopped some people would request or add on to some of my existing ideas, but it didn't go as planned, sadly. Still, I promote the hell out of it until I get SOME results, so please, check out my Idea Book and help out your dear Ari-chan.

I have been working on some of the ideas, but I get super nervous thinking that the idea isn't good enough or you won't get the description, so I'm going to give you guys a sneak peek into what I've been working on, no context, just the covers.

I have been working on some of the ideas, but I get super nervous thinking that the idea isn't good enough or you won't get the description, so I'm going to give you guys a sneak peek into what I've been working on, no context, just the covers

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(Sadly there is a problem with the last cover, it keeps saying it's 'invalid' and 'doesn't fit the format' but I've cropped down to size more times then I can count, please help me.)

This is my first time making covers EVER, I love my new laptop, and it came with this really cool editing app, so I tried it out on some ideas I had, let me know what you think of them and any changes I should make. Also, let me know if these ideas interest you like I hope they do.

And the last topic I want to talk about is voting. Ah, yes, the sweet votes .No, not Wattpad votes, but votes for the next book (all though I won't mind if you drop some on the other chapters)! NOT ONE reader has voted on the next book so I really need you guys to go back to the Introduction and read through your options, comment the name of which one you would like to read next, and, if possible, check out the chapter for them in my Idea Book to see sneak peeks and comment add-ons (told ya I was going to promote the hell out of it).

That's all for now, love you guys and I'll see you tomorrow for an update!

Thursday, December 26th, 2019


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