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"M-Mrs. Spetto?" I asked quietly, the warm milk I had before bed causing my eyes to feel droopy. "What is it, Lucy dear?" The old woman asked as she picked up my stuffed animals and placed them in a chest by the foot of my bed.

"Do you think Mommy is happy wherever she is?"

Mrs. Spetto dropped the blue cat stuffy she was holding and turned to me with a pained look on her face, she slowly walked around my pink princess bed so she could put her soft hand on my forehead. "Lucy dear, I'm sure your mother is happy, but I also know she will never will be as happy as she could be without you." I felt a heavy sensation in my chest as tears pricked in my eyes.

"Do you really think so? Papa always seems happier when I'm not around, so wouldn-"

I couldn't even finish my words before Mrs. Spetto burst out into tears. "Lucy! Don't say such things." She shouted and let out loud sobs. I sighed and sat up, the warm comforter falling from my shoulders as I did, and reached to give her a hug. "Your right Mrs. Spetto, I'm sure she does miss me." I said just to cheer her up, even if I knew the words were not true.

After she dries her tears slightly Mrs. Spetto grabbed my cheeks and made me look into her little black eyes. "Lucy dear, your father may not show it but he loves you, so much." The servant shook her head. "He over works himself just so you could have a better life but he's loosing himself in all that paperwork." She sad sadly.

I nodded and patted her head with my tiny hand. "Then I'll just have to get him to be happy, after my morning bath may I bake him a treat, a rice ball perhaps?" Mrs. Spetto beamed at me with a smile and nodded before reaching into her maid dress pocket and pulling out a golden key.

I could barely summon Aquarius on my own, so to avoid sneaking off and training all by myself like father and the other servants knew I would do, Mrs. Spetto kept Aquarius with her since she was the one who was around me most and gave her to me for special accessions. "How about in the morning I let you summon Aquarius in the bath?"

I nodded my head rapidly, I always enjoyed my visits with Aquarius but it was kind of hard since she needed a body of water to be summoned out of. I rarely got the chance to go to the lake behind the manor so bath time would have to do. "Thank you," I said and placed Aquarius on my white night stand.

Mrs. Spetto nodded and tucked me in once again, kissing my forehead, before leaving my room. Once she left I grabbed Aquarius and pulled her key close to me, feeling the key heat up slightly. "Night, night, Aquarius."


"Help! Natzu and Lushi shrunk! This is freaky!"

As I opened my eyes and yawned I looked around to see something from a dream. A blue cat with pretty white wings zoomed above me in circles. I looked at my hands and noticed I seemed fine, just as I was the night before when saying goodnight to Ms. Spetto, but I was wrapped in a large blue shirt that certainly couldn't be mine, it would never fit me.

I was sitting in a patch of grass, the fresh smell of dirt and Earth around me. Behind me was some sort of forest, very untamed and wild. I often dreamed of the outside world since Father doesn't let me go outside as often as I used to with Mother, so this was not out of the usual.

What was unusual, was that there was a large hill with a small house plopped on top, smoke coming out of the chimney and the smell if freshly baked cookies lingering, and a rather large hole in the back wall of it, as if something busted through. The grass leading down the hill was toppled and thrown as if someone was thrown down it.

"What an odd dream," I mumbled and placed my hands behind me onto something soft, a lot softer then grass. I nearly jumped when I heard a yawn and looked behind me to see me palm smushed into a young boy's cheek, a puddle of drool forming at his lips and snores leaving his mouth.

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