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🌟 Lucy 🌟

It was silent as Natsu and I walked down the cobblestone path that looped around the front of the manor to the back, towards the direction of the train station, the only sound being the rumbling of my rolling suitcase against the rough path.

Natsu had suggested we go into the manor to pick up some clothing for myself, and I took advantage of the situation by taking a short bath and changing out of those dirty clothes into a lavender-colored sundress. I only packed casual clothes, knowing very well that my ball gowns would look very out of place in the guild, but when I asked for Natsu's opinion on a shirt, he asked why I was wearing something so 'dressy'.

I took the time to apologize to Aed for shouting at him, but I didn't want to hear another word about my father's 'death'. It was no question that something weird was going on, the sudden changes in my life showing up, but I refused to believe another word until I had more knowledge about the situation, preferably from these Fairy Tail people, because Aed was insisting every word that came out of his mouth was true. But I turned my head away.

I wasn't going to cry again, I wasn't going to waste my tears.

I thought it was a bit sad that Aed was living on his own all these years, but I quickly came to find out he had a rather loud wife to accompany him named Suki. Suki was a bit odd, but very kind and even cooked Natsu an endless meal of hotdogs and chicken wings, much to his enjoyment, talking about random topics and such, I think the oddest thing she said was 'do you think a hotdog is a sandwich?'.

Now, we were heading to the train station, back to the guild that was my only hope in finding answers, or at least my only hope to feel safe.

"Lucy!" A high pitched voice shouted from behind me and I turn to see Suki running towards us. "You forgot your keys." She said handing me the keyring and I thanked her. "It was so nice to finally meet you, Aed has been saying how you don't visit that often so this was a real treat, although, I hope to see you soon. Oh, just where have you been all this time?"

I smiled at her concern and care, she really was a nice person. "A small town called Furui," I answer, recalling the place I woke up in on that fateful day.

"Furui? I have grandparents who live there- or lived there- I assume they're long gone by now seeing as I'm a grandmother myself, well, anyways, stop by soon!" And with that she turned back the path, leaving me and Natsu to head back on our way.

"Hey, are Erza and Gray still at the guild, I overheard them yelling when I walked out?" I asked, turning my head to Natsu who was beside me, his arms folded behind his head. While we were at the house I grabbed a couple of clothes for Natsu as well, the mansion practically had everything you could think of, so I had no trouble finding him a shirt and black pants in his size.

"Hm, well they were on there way here, but I do remember the conductors saying the train was shut down, must have been their train and that's why they're late."

"Oh, do you know why the train was shut down?" I was kinda worried, I mean, what if it crashed or robbers were on board, I didn't want anything to happen to these kind people.

"Nah, he said some maniac lady was strangling a guy for eating her food, I'm guessing it's Erza and the conductor freaked out and shut down the train." He said with a slight laugh. "Hope it's Gray she's killin'."

I laughed a bit as well, "why do you hate him so much?"

That broke off into a long conversation about how much Gray sucks in Natsu's opinion if I had to write a list it'd be seventeen pages long, single-spaced.

"-not to mention he thinks he's some hotshot with his stupid Ice-Make magic, I mean, it's not even that cool!"

"What'd you say Pyro? Don't think just 'cause you're a human volcano makes you any better than me."

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