Chapter 8

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Announcement: The OCS that are mentioned here do not belong to me, they belong to Jade. I will be providing you all with their profiles later.

On another note, someone wanted to know if there would be any female characters as options, so if any of you have any options feel free to leave their names on the comment section. Also, this person wanted to include some of the Kyubi as options too, but I will leave that to the readers. This will be all, thank you

People were still shaken by the attack, those who had minor injuries went to their homes while the others were being taken care of.

The Kages gathered trying to discuss the attack, and the rest of the Shinobi and Kunoichi tried to rest. Specially those whose powers had been stolen.

As if they didn't have enough, a pair of two young boys, one with blue eyes and dark blue short straight hair. The other looked slightly younger, with long blue hair which he held in a ponytail and yellow eyes.

Some sort of animal,  blue fur with golden lines, was at their side, ready to attack if necessary.

They managed to arrive all the way to the hospital, but that's when Shino stopped them from continuing. However, the oldest one, with short midnight blue straight hair and blue eyes walked forward with a friendly smile. "It probably wasn't the best time, but I am looking for someone by the name of [Name] [Last Name]. We heard that she was headed this way."

The boys companions were at the defensive, but the older one showed his hands in an act of peace. But with the mentioning of the familiar name, Sasuke, and Mitsuki, and those available became weary. "Who are you and why are you asking for her?" Shino questioned, they had to be cautious especially since there were still individuals trying to find you.

"My name is Kanabe Kurosaki , this is Hikaru Ranmaru and Nigth. We're, it's hard to say," Kanabe's smile trembled having trouble to explain the situation, it wasn't like they were officially your disciples, but they wanted to be. "She saved our lives when we were very young, although she left, we have been looking for her in hopes that she would accept us as her disciples."

Sakura and then Neji joined them, Neji's gaze shifted to a small necklace hanging from Hikaru's neck. It was a small chakra stone filled with chakra, not just anyone's though, it was yours.  "She can either deny or reject your link to her when she wakes up."

That made the duo frown, but in what seemed worry. "What do you mean? Is she okay?"

The pink haired Kunoichi approached the boys. "She's is fine she just needs some rest, but with the Homage busy, we cannot take any sudden decisions. If you don't mind, could you perhaps wait while wakes up?"

"We'll like to see her, if you don't mind." Hikaru asked calmly, now walking forward.

Letting out a sigh, despite receiving glances from her friends, letting them see you wouldn't particularly be harmful. Besides,Sakura would lead them and with how Sasuke glared at them, he would tag along too. "Come then, only for a couple of minutes."

She lead them to your room, and as they got closer they could already felt the thick and tense air. It was like years ago when you ran out of chakra, it felt suffocating. As soon as they entered the room, their chakra was being absorbed. It wasn't too much though, but what also caught their attention was the chakra that was just going through the wall. Sasuke walked towards the window, as the Kanabe, Hikaru and Nigth ignored the whole thing as approached your unconscious body. 

Hikaru grabbed your hand, and rubbed his thumb over your knuckles.  Sakura couldn't ignore the warm gaze from the two of them, even though Hikaru tried to remain calm but was having trouble. Nigth nestled his head on your neck, sniffing as if trying to get familiar with your scent again. She then walked to Sasuke who hadn't stopped staring out the window. And when she saw why, she gasped. The trees that were planted outside your room started to die as the chakra that you were consuming came from those trees. 

Hikaro tore away his gaze only to join the Sasuke and Sakura. "She once told me that she found another way to obtain chakra other than other people. She didn't want to put anyone else in danger when she was in this state."

It was four years ago since he last saw you, when told him that as much as it pained you, that he had to stay in a safer place. That with you he would only face death, and you couldn't live with it. But you had such a big heart, despite being charged you risked yourself to help Kanabe and him, no, saved their lives. 

That's what made them respect you, you were someone they could learn from. There was still pretty to learn, and you were such a great teacher.

"She's such a great woman," raising his head, Kaname smiled, " it has been eight years since I last saw her. And like Hikaru, I couldn't stick around. It took me eight years to find her, I just really hope that she can allow us to stay."

If they only knew that it wasn't set on stone whether you stayed or not. But if they knew that the moment you arrived you had been welcomed by nothing but suspension.

Taking a deep breath Sakura motioned with her hand that it was time to go. "Come, it's best to let her rest."

The boys didn't seem happy but in the end, they complied.


The meeting was finally over and the first thing they did, was to make sure that their children were okay.

They were still shaken by the earlier events, but all they needed right now was some rest.

Now there was another person that Gaara and Naruto wanted to see, and she was in need of chakra. At first Naruto had offered, but Gaara wanted to see you and offer his chakra as well.

When they arrived to the hospital, there was still plenty of chaos but order had been restored.

"Naruto, Gaara." When they entered the hospital, Sakura welcomed them both.

Gaara nodded while Naruto could only offer a small smile. It seemed at if he was tired and she wasn't surprised. They had been in a meeting which lasted a few hours.  "Could you take us to her room?"

"Of course, though you should know that some boys arrived ealier. They claim that [Name] saved them, and they were here for her. But we're just waiting for her to wake up and may confirm what they're saying is true." Just as they arrived, Mitsuki was standing outside of the room, staring at the inside of the room probably watching you.

When he sensed the arrival, he greeted the Hokage and the Kazekage as well as Sakura. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my visit. I was told that she helped me which is why she is in this condition."

Naruto's and Gaara's eyes softened as they watched you, you seemed as if you were just sleeping but the tense air and the chakra flowing into your body said other wise. Without a words, Gaara walked inside, he was so silent as if he was afraid to wake you. His gaze glued to your face, studying each retail of your face. There was nothing but peace and serenity on your face but he knew of how much pain and loneliness you experienced during the twelve years of dissapreace.

Unconsciously, his hand grabbed your hand, it was such a long time since you left. At first he wasn't sure what had happened to you and no one understood why you left. Until they found out that you were sought after, that why you had left.

Even after your departure, he spend years trying to find you but they never found any tracks of your whereabouts. His heart skipped a beat, he never forgot you, you were always present in his mind. It is said that the first love is the hardest to forget, not that he had any one else to love.

Letting out a breath, he stood aside as Naruto stood at his side. It was clear that the Hokage was more than grateful for what you had done. If you weren't here, and if you hadn't arrived, he wouldn't have fought back the way he did. And he would have been taken, leaving everyone in anguish.

Even after using all your chakra, you still decided to help Mitsuki which eventually lead to this. Mitsuki had been in a coma and no one knew when he would wake up, but you took his condition and now you were here motionless.

There was a chair at the side, which Sakura grabbed and offered it to one of the males. No one took it, each one of them offering to one another. Silently Mitsuki left in search for another chair, when he found one he offered it to them. That's was when they both sat down, the both of them in silence.

Without a word, Sakura motioned for Mitsuki to follow her and to leave the Kages alone. If anyone had great amounts of chakra, it would be them which is why they were here. To offer you all the chakra you needed, it was the least they could do after a you had done.

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