The End

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Alright, this is officially the end of the story. I know maybe it doesn't feel like it, however, the way I am going to write the endings will kind of be the ending of the story. I hope it makes sense, but everyone will have their own ending. Anyway, thank you all for taking the time to read this story and for taking the time to heart it, and to leave the amazing comments! Again, thank you!!!! 


The three of them arrived and were allowed to go enter without being questioned. Kakashi had been here before, this place was a complete nightmare for those who were sent here. Most of them were here for crimes they committed, and some probably did not commit them and yet they had no way to prove it. 

This place, it gave him chills just to imagine that you've spent over two weeks inside this place. With how know you were, you had it bad compared to he rest. 

With clear distaste, the person in charge took them to a secluded cell, the light not touching it and with the lack of a window, the inside was also lacking any source of light. The door was opened, but even then they didn't hear any noise coming from the inside.

Toneri took the initiative and entered the room, his eyesight adjusted to the darkness and noticed your form on the ground. This room didn't have a bed, just the cold and bare ground. Your back was against the wall, your legs stretching and your head lowered as if you were taking a nap. 

Then the smell reached him, it was foul. It was not a pleasant smell despite not being from human excrement or pee. "[Name]?" The male called out to you, approaching slowly as to not alarm you. But you didn't respond, you continued to remain in that position, not even moving your head. He began to panic just a little, and so he threw to the side any caution and rushed to your form. "[Name]?" This time he places his hands on your shoulders and began to shake you, the others got closer to the cell clearly worried too. 

But just a shake was enough to stir you awake, slowly you raised your head, and then opened your eyes. It took you a minute to clear your mind, then your eyes widened only for a few seconds. Then you smiled, threw your arms around his form, and when you were this close to him, he knew why the room smelled. It was as if you had not been allowed out of this room since you arrived, not even to shower. "Toneri." He sensed the happiness, the relief in your voice as you spoke his name. The way your arms tightened around him made his heart clench on pain, you have been isolated from everyone for the past two weeks. 

"Come on, let's go back home." Rubbing your back, he tried to stand up only for you to tightened your hold on him, and then he heard the silent sobs. But it was only for a minute, the you pulled back cleaned your eyes and stood up.
Toneri wasn't sure if the others heard your sobs, but he did and...It tore him up, you've been alone inside these walls...

Almost, he almost reached for you again but you were already walking out the room. The person who led them here had a torch, so the flickering light that provided offered them a clear view of your state. Your face was covered with dirt, and..he wasn't sure it blood too. Your hair was also dirty, and even matted with mud...It seemed. Your clothing was in no better condition, it was dirty, and was torn in several places. 

"How long..." Shikamaru frowned, "did you keep her here for two weeks?"

"It's nothing compared to what everyone else has to live here, now get the hell out." The person ordered, and you didn't have to be told twice. You were the first one to walk, Shikamaru, Kakashi and Toneri glanced at eachother coming to realize your greatest fear. There was a lot that you didn't fear, a few things that you did but there was something that seemed to terrify you was...To be alone. 

The other three followed you out, but when the exited the prison you were standing with your eyes shut. It had been so long since you've seen sunlight so you had to take a bit of time to get used it. Once you felt like you were ready, you opened your eyes only to hiss and shut your eyes again. It took you only a second try, once you were able to keep them open, you turned around and smiled again. Behind that smile, there was complete happiness but there was a hint of sadness too. 

Broken Pieces (Naruto and Boruto Reader Insert)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora