Chapter 30

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Itachi, Goro, Hikaru, Kanabe and Nigth were gone. They had left in an endless search for you again, not even sure if they would find you.

Sakura rubbed her eyes, long hours of work were not enough to forget of what she had done. She remembered that this was not the first time she has done it. During their last war, when you had disappeared, almost killing yourself when you found no other option but to use all your chakra you had.

You had been believed to be dead after you were gone for a year, but you had not been, you had been taken by Madara and you had been used. When you appeared, when you showed yourself and he had found you with Sasuke so intimate...She had wished you had been dead, she thought of that...And now, now she blames you for her misfortune.

Sasuke was now his husband, and although he was gone for twelve years, they still had a daughter. She had hoped that when he returned, they could form the family that she always wanted. But then you appeared, or to be more precise, you appeared and then you were forced to stay.

But that was enough time to stir emotions that Sasuke once felt, Sakura saw how he saw you whenever you were close. It was true that you didn't act inappropriate, or that you lead him on but your mere presence...It had caused Sasuke to doubt whatever he had felt for Sakura, if there was something to begin with.

That's when they began to blame you, and eventually they convinced TenTen to tell you to just stay away from them. They should've been more sensitive, they should have never talked to TenTen into talking to you. That had been the last straw, they knew that TenTen wasn't just your friends, she was the closest thing you considered as a sister.

All of that lead to what was going on, which was  for your name to be placed in the Bingo Book and  to be hunted down. Now they were not looking to bring you back alive, the council wanted you dead. And all for what?

Just so that their marriage could function but the gaze of cold indifference that Sasuke shared with her, she knew there was no way to mend her marriage.

She had seen Naruto have problems too, and whether it was for you or not...She wasn't so sure, but part of it was because he was forced to work way to many hours. He no lonher spent time with his family like he used to, now he dedicated himself to keep the Village safe and to find a solution that would guarantee your safety.

Shikamaru wasn't doing any better, he was forced to work longer too and Tamari wasn't the most patient. So it was inevitable that they would fight, and that was driving him away.

Kiba never forgave Tamaki about what she had done, and didn't even talk to her. Now he, along with Neji, and Kabuto were probably going to set out in their own search.

Slowly, everything was crashing and quite honestly, she could not do this anymore. Just because she and Sasuke had a daughter, she wasn't going tie him with that. That's why she filed the divorce papers and had showed them to him.

The two of them were facing each other, a small table separating them.  No one said a word as Sasuke read the document, he didn't do anything just stared at it. After what felt like an eternity, slowly, he reached for the pen. That simple action broke her heart, and she tried her best to hold back her tears as he signed them.

After it was signed, he stood up from his seat and left the house. That's when she allowed herself to cry.

From her room,Sarada heard her mom cry, and her own heart clenched in pain. She wasn't supposed to be here, but she had forgotten something and returned. But she was surprised to find out what their parents were up to. Since you returned there was nothing but problems.

Shikadai told her and Boruto that you had something wrong, that they should have blamed you for something that you had no control over. If their parents had problems, it was.beetween them and that they should not get involved.

Making a fist, she frowned and curses you. She hated you, she hated you so much. She just wished that you got what you deserved.

"No," rubbing his temples, Naruto shook his head. "We already talked about this, there is no longer a need for another team. I sent a search team but it's clear that she will not return. It won't make a difference if you all go, you won't convince her to return."

This has been the second time that they had asked for a meeting, and they simply would not get it. But his father and the rest of the Kages had something else. "Naruto, there is a still another matter that you cannot ignore." Sarutobi reminded him.

It was strange to see the him so young, he looked as if he was Konohamaru's brother rather than his grandfather. Konohamaru  had been too shocked to find out the truth, but with a few days he managed to at least try to comprehend the situation.

His eyes trailed to the others, they all looked so Jiraiya, it was strange to see him so young too.Shaking his head, he looked way from them all. "You can't just let her walk around, she's just a walking weapon ready to be used. We must find her and bring her back. I understand she means a lot to you but you need to realize that she is a danger to the village and the others as long as she is on her own."

Jiraiya was not wrong, Naruto knew about it. "She's not as defenseless as you think, she maybe have been taken advantage of in a moment of weakness but seeing her again, I know it won't happen again. Besides, from experience, she won't be alone. Toneri was with her, and I have a feeling that Goro, Itachi, Kanabe, Hikaru, and Nigth will find her." And they still had no way to refrain you, they could imprison you but you could escape whenever you wanted. So it was really useless to even think that they could bring you against your will and then expect you to just willingly allowed yourself to be imprisoned for who knows how long.

"There must be a way to limit her abilities, no one has worked to find anything about it?" Tibimara asked with a frown. "What if we ever find her as our enemy? Have you thought about it?"

Minato observed his son battle his inner feelings, this girl wasn't just anyone. Naruto was a loyal friend, he would go to any lengths to bring them back and keep them safe, even if it meant that he would sacrifice his own life. But there was something else there, he just could not decipher what it was. "Do you know her weakness?" He asked him, watching him closely. 

Naruto made fists, his eyes snapped to Neji, Kiba and Kabuto. Said males waited for him to reply, clearly unhappy to where this was going. "I assure you," finally Kabuto spoke, "it won't come to that. If you must know, she isn't exactly overjoyed with her own abilities, she has been searching for a cure, a cure that I was working on until she was forced to leave." He didn't need to elaborate.

"With all due respect, you don't know her. She has had many reasons to hold grudges against our village and she has never sought for revenge. I just find it hypocritical that now that she is no longer within our reach, she is nothing but a danger. But when the time requires for her help, she has never objected to help us. I speak for experience, she had no motive to save my life, she owed nothing to me or the village and yet, she risked her life just to save my life. "

"She is not a bad person,"Kiba added, "she was just taken advantage of. But that's not the point, the point is that because of of her abilities we are considering her a great danger to our village and others. But we have not taken the time to realize that she isn't the one that we should be after, whomever used her to bring you back to life may have a motive, and we're wasting time trying to find her at whatever cost. What we should be doing is to find this son of a bitch who used her, he might be even planing something else."

Irritated, Kiba walked to the door. "You know what," he grasped the door handle, " she is in this situation partly because of me, I am not just going to stand and hear how you all come up with plans to kill her." With that, he shut the door and walked out of the office.

Neji followed the male clearly  letting them know about his decision too. Now only
Kabuto was left behind, though his gaze was glued to where the others had left too. "I'll find a cure, so just convince the council to remove her from the bingo book. "

It was inevitable, Naruto knew that. He understood them, he had done the same thing when Sasuke left the Village. He stopped at nothing to bring him back, and maybe he would have done the same if he wasn't the Hokage.

Naruto felt like utter trash, being unable to help you, even when he was the Hokage. He could not, he had a whole Village to take car of. Silently, he wished them good luck, maybe they would find you and convince you to turn yourself in.

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