Naruto's Ending Final Part

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This was so hard to do, I had to redo it a coupe if times.  I may go back to it and change it. I still don't  know but I do hope you guys like it. I'll like to hear your thoughts on the ending though, did it feel rushed? Short? Things of the sort.


Was the treatment working? Was it turning your body back to normal? "Alright," Orochumaru was the only one at the lab, so he was the one who would study any new symptoms that would point out that the treatment was indeed working. "What new changes have you seen or felt."

Naruto sat at your side, his hand holding yours as he smiled. He canceled any appointments he had so that he could be here with you. That only spoke of how committed he really was, considering how busy he normally is. 

"Well," you returned your attention to Orochimaru, "I'm feeling tired,". Orochimaru had a clipboard to record any changes, "I have been peeing more...My breasts feel sore..."

"And nauseous," Naruto added, despite knowing that this was proof that the treatment was working, he was worried. What if it didn't work and your health was at risk? 

Orochimaru stared at the clipboard and he wrote everything the two of you said. Then, he lowered it, his eyes glinted and then his lips began to curb forming a  smile. "I see," if possible his smile grew as his gaze shifted to Naruto and then back to you. "How...Long has it been since you began to notice these changes?"

Could that smile proof that maybe the treatment was working. "Umn...About three weeks ago?"

"She hasn't been able to eat like she normally does, is that...Are those good news? It's starting to worry me." The Hokage admitted. 

The smile was still there, Orochimaru leaned back on his seat. "What about your menstruation? Are you sexually active and if so, are you using protection?" 

Having this conversation in front of Naruto was making him flush with embarrassment, and well...It was rather...It was strange to talk to Orochimaru something so personally but it had to be done. "Umn...Yes, I'm sexually active...And well, I...I haven't had my menstruation in months...I didn't think it necessary to use protection." Not that you would get pregnant, just thinking about it almost impacted your moral. 

There was a knock on the door before a nurse entered, she walked in and handed the results to  Orochimaru, who  had you to taken them before you met with him. As soon as she delivered it, she left. The man took a moment to take a look at the results, his lips stretching even more as his smile grew ene more. "This is all normal," he pushed the paper aside, "and congratulations are in order. I should congratulate you twice."

Naruto furrowed his eyebrows. "Twice?"

"Yes, twice." His gaze shifted to you, "the treatment is working so well." Then he glanced to Naruto, "and congratulations to the two of you," Orochumaru stood up and headed to the door, "[Name], you're pregnant. We'll going to continue with the treatment and monitor your pregnancy."

Pregnant, pregnant....The two of you were left speechless, and as the time ticked by, your brain prosseced it. Naruto had been holding your hand but you tore it from his grasp as you covered your mouth trying to contain the gasps. Tears began to cloud your sight, and then you completely five in and cried. By now you didn't care if anyone heard your cries, you continued to cry, touching your stomach as if you would be able to feel something move. 

Naruto was quick to stand up and hugged you, you weren't the only one to cry, you felt his tears land on the top of your head. You allowed him to hug you, but you returned the hug. You held him tight. Pregnant, you were pregnant. It had been what you wanted, to be a mother, to have children of your own flesh. 

Broken Pieces (Naruto and Boruto Reader Insert)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora