Chapter 34

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How do you guys feel about more intimacy? Like, I'm not talking about lemons, because I can't write them. But like, just a little more intimacy?


What...What happened to them? You couldn't think of what motivated them to act so violent towards Shinobi and Kunoichi. These kids didn't have fighting skills, and they should be no danger but...These were kids, kids ranging from four to maybe ten years, although the village managed to capture them...Even when they were refrained, they acted so violently and just, as if they were out of their mind. 

There were a few kids who seemed to have captured Izuna's, Madara and Obito's attention. The only thing you could assume was that these kids were from the Village they protected. 

Overall, it was a sad battle to say the least, whomever was planning these attacks wasn't doing it to really cause damage, but to weaken the mental state of everyone. 

Even Gaara seemed heartbroken to see these kids  so lost, but most of all, that why had been used for whatever sick purpose the enemy had. Placing your hand on his shoulder, and another on Kankuro's, you spoke. "Hey," but only Gaara turned to look at you, his hand raised to your hand that was on his shoulder and squished it. "We'll make them lay for this, I promise." 

Nodding, Gaara motioned for the kids to be placed under surveillance and for their state to be investigated. Gaara tugged you back to his office, while your companions remained back to help out. 

While you entered the office with Gaara, he ordered not to be interrupted as he made his way into the office with you. He had not let go of your hand, not even when he sat down on his chair. Being a leader was never easy, there were so many sacrifices that has to be made, and most of the time they had to act cold and even indifferent. This was one of those times when he had to act as if it didn't bother him, but it did, you could see it in his eyes. 

Sighing, you walked closer to him, but before you could hug him, he pulled you into his lap and buried his face into your neck, his arms circling around your waist, and hugging your tight. The position you were in was rather intimate, you were forced to straddle him, your arms around his neck, your bodies were so right that you could feel certain body parts of him. But you didn't have the heart to pull away, not now, right now he needed you. 

You both remained like that for a while, until several boom sounds echoed around the village, they sounded like explosions, prompting you both to pull away and head to where the explosions came from. When you both arrived, there was smoke and fire coming from what you assumed to be the hospital. People were screaming as they were being guided outside, some were missing a leg, hand or even both. There were only a few people in this condition, others had minor injuries. 

"What happened?" You asked Itachi who had been helping a few of the patients outside. 
Gaara was entered the building trying to help too, you approached some of the people missing a limp. Although you promised that you wouldn't use it, how could you just stand and let them like that. 

"The children, they were used as some sort of bombs."  He explained as he watched people around. 

You moved quick, there were medic ninja attending them, so when you approached them, they moved  aside to let you help instead.  It was horrible, how could someone do something so horrific. How could they use children to attack Villages, controlling them and then use them as bombs.

Having them alive there was a possibility that they could  be saved but now...This would weight heavily on Gaara. Not only him, but Naruto too if something similar happened to the Leaf Village.

There were around six Shinobi and medic min who had been injured and needed your immediate help, but you managed to provide with your help as soon as possible. 

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