Chapter 26

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"No." It was definite, and said with a voice filled with authority. Did they really asked that of him? Did Naruto believed that was the best option? Would he truly be capable of doing that to you of all people. He understood the situation, more than they can imagine but they were asking him to send assassins to bring you back, dead or alive.

Itachi and Goro were standing behind Gaara, and  it seemed like it took everything from Goro to not lose it. Itachi was more than able to remain calm, but that didn't mean he couldn't see death in his eyes,  but if Gaara had told them to please let him talk, they would have started a bigger argument where a real solution would not be taken.

Gaara's eyes trailed to the faces on the screens, all the Kages were trying to find a good solution to the situation. He couldn't deny that bringing the Hokages and even Jiraya was a big mistake, but if anything, the Leaf Village should take responsibility. As much as it pained him, you managed to keep yourself from completely breaking down because you had a goal, and that was to find a cure. But then you were discovered and you were forced to remain, not because you couldn't escape but because you wanted to prevent yourself from fighting any of your friends.  They took advantage of your abilities as best as they could. Now when you were pushed away by them, which had a big blow to your sanity, broke your dream and left you vulnerable for someone else to take  advantage of you, they have you their backs.

Instead of trying to really find you and offer you their support so that you can return home, all of the sudden they want you dead? "If I may," finally Itachi asked, Gaara almost loosing his temper just to think about how absurd they sounded, nodded. "Is this really the best solution Lord Hokage?" Itachi questioned Naruto, who looked exhausted but clearly heartbroken.

"That's not the best solution, but the rest of the Kages and the council find that it is the best way. I keep trying to convince them to bring her back and she will face her crimes." Because quite honestly, he couldn't find another solution. Trying to pretend that you didn't do anything was not fair, it was not fair to those you've brought back to life. His father being one of them, and although at first he wasn't shocked and affected, it finally caught up to him. 

It was an odd experience and hard to explain that he would not longer be at his wife's side and that his eternal peace was stolen not only from him from the others too. They already had lived their lives, as short as they were, they lived their lives. But it would be hard, or at least Naruto assumed, for them to fit in. 

"I know it's hard to carry the previous decisions and mistakes  from the previous Hokages," Itachi began, and with it, he remembered the way his own life and his very own life had been affected by previous mistakes and decisions. " If anything, this is the worse solution." He looked at the other Kages. "Are you aware of her power? It seems this is not the case. She may be vulnerable now but your decisions will only push her back. You're going to eventually push her limits, and she is going to fight back. Now we have been fortunate to have her as an ally, but you must be ready to face her as an enemy if it ever comes to that."

Finally Itachi allowed Gaara to continue, though it seemed that his speech made them  rethink what they had planned. "So far I allowed you," to this he referred to the Leaf Village, "to have a say in keeping her captive because  she did not want to cause any of you  trouble. [Name] had been given Citizenship, and I will deal with her." Though he looked at all the Kages, his gaze landed on Naruto last and he didn't tear it away. "I understand there is a lot of pressure on you, but I am going to make it clear that I won't abandon her. She never asked anything in return when we asked her to use the very same power that you all want to get rid of. She risked her very own life in doing so, without nothing in return. This time, I am not going to give her my back when she need my help now more than ever. I understand that my decision will have consequences, consequences that I am willing to take. Now if that is all, I do believe this meeting is over."

The last thing he saw was Naruto grasping his face, looking dejected. But Gaara didn't wait for any of the other Kages to speak, he rose from his seat and motioned for the communication to be cut. Once that was done and only Goro, Itachi and him were alone, he let out a sigh. "Before the meeting took place, and I was explaining, I already dispatched several teams to find her. And since you are both here I am assuming you do not have a lead as to where she could be."

Defeated, Goro shook his head. "No, it looks like someone else is covering any tracks that she left behind. "

"That's what they are missing," Itachi informed, "the Kages and the councils are so concerned about [Name] and outing all the blame on her that they are refusing to tackle the main problem."

"Which is whomever is using her," Gaara made a fist, "so far it appears that their main goal was for the rest of the Villages to make her a target, which is resulting in the dispatching of Bounty Hunters pushing her further from our reach."

"And they are talking right into the trap." It wasn't fair, this should happen to you. You have a lot of your self for the sake of others, and now that you had dream, to be able to live normally, it was taken away.

"But we need to find who the enemy, and what role [Name] plays in their plan." Years ago they were able to fight off their enemies despite their ability to heal, but you had played a part on that's. Maybe they underestimated your powers, because you were their ally, you were on their side.

Now looking at it from a different perspective, you were...If you ever became their enemy, it won't be very easy to kill you. You weren't immortal, but you had such an impressive healing ability. Because of that healing ability and tremendous way of controlling your chakra, you could revive anyone you wanted.

The Summoning Impure Wild Reincarnation was a powerful technique, but the reincarnations are not as powerful as the real ones. And the only people known to have come close to perfected it was Kabuto and Orochumaru, so whomever was bringing them back to life was not strong enough to actually being them close to their full potential.

But to use your ability, you will have the an opponent made of blood and flesh, and they'll be able to reach their full power. With how many strong enemies that had been killed, an army could be made, and just to even think about having to face someone from the Akatsuki would be devastating.

That alone was just only a scratched of your abilities. Your chakra on the other side, was something else they had to face too. They were witnesses of how devastating when you used that blast, it was terrifying to even think about the extent of your full potential.

There was still a lot they didn't know about your abilities, and from what they had seen, now not only does your body takes chakra from anyone close to it, but from anything alive that was close to you. That meant trees, animals...It didn't matter if you had anyone else to supply you with chakra, but your body found other ways to obtain it. 

This was just what they were able to see, they did not know what knowledge and new techniques you gained during the past twelve years that passed. Judging from the  Chūnin Exams attack and the way you handled your chakra...He could only guess that there was still a lot they didn't know about your abilities.

If anything, the Kages should try to find you and convince you to return. Or at least, they could try to find the real enemy, that way they can stop any control the enemy has over you.

If they attack you won't be given any other options of either, allowing yourself to get killed or to fight back. Both of them were terrible outcomes, and it pained him to even think that you would allow yourself to get killed, which he didn't doubt.

Then there was Itachi and Goro, along with those kids and who knows who else, that would without a doubt, side with you. Itachi did not owe anything to the Leaf Village, despite his past with it. He had made it clear that he would follow you wherever you went, and with whatever you did. Goro, he didn't even have to talk about him. He already from the very beginning made himself clear that if there was one person he would not hesitate to give his life in exchange for yours. If it came to also choose sides, he would follow you. They would follow you, more powerful people that the Kages and Shinobi had to face.

The worse one would be to have to face you on the field, because quite honestly, if it came to that, he wouldn't be able to bring himself and fight back.

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