Chapter 82

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Jigen fled, that man banished in the middle of the battle when everyone was too busy to notice it. Once they noticed, the battle was over. Koji should have noticed but he has been busy fighting one of he fellow members. 

But once Kawaki,Boruto and Momoshiki knew they quickly banished. They knew that he didn't just banish, they knew where he went and they knew who he went after.

They didn't hesitate to leave if they hesitated, then it would be too late for you and Amegakure. First Kawaki arrived then a few seconds later Momoshiki and Boruto. The three males arrived where they've been staying, there should be a building, you should have been inside it but there was nothing but a mountain of rubble occupying it.

In fact, most buldinds close it were nothing but rubble. Everything seemed desolate, probably because it was evacuated. However, the sound of battle reached their ears, their gaze traveled to where it came from. Whomever was fighting had taken the battle away from the village, but that was not what bothered them. What bothered them was as to where you were. 

"Boruto!" Someone must have sensed their chakra signature, said person was making their way to them. It was Mitsuki, the male looked brat up but to the point that he wasn't able to stand on his two feet. 

"What happened?" The blond male questioned as he studied his companion for any delicate wounds. 

"Where is she?" Finally getting impatient, Momoshiki asked.

"She's," he even hard trouble to understand what had happened. "She's fine, she's fighting Jigen."

It was enough to get Momoshiki moving, and of course Kawaki. It wasn't that they were understimating your strength, but Jigen wasn't an easy opponent. He was a very powerful man, Naruto and Sasuke fought against him together and they struggled. That was why he took them away, told Jigen that he would kill them both. 

"Where is everyone else?" He wanted to leave too but he was worried about the rest of his team. 

"They're wounded but they just need some rest, go,I'll make sure they're both protected." Pushing Boruto towards your location, he encouraged him. 


"The four of you," having Jigen's throat in your grasp, you raised him up and slammed his body on the ground. The impact creating a crater, and this time you had his body surrounded by your chakra. 

It was not easy, but with Kawaki, Boruto and Momoshiki's help you all managed to tired him out and eventually, at your deskosition.You were also tired, you've used most of your chakra, you were just barely hanging there. 

"You're not so weak as I assumed you were," the man was forced to spit out blood as your hand tightened. His gaze was stuck on you, slowly he observed the other two, and at this moment he knew there was no way if of this. 

The Ōtsutsuki, only Toneri was missing but most of the Ōtsutsuki members were here. You included, he knew about what made you who you were. Then your eyes was another proof that your body had taken the best that the Ōtsutsuki's lineage had to offer. That small ring of white in your eyes, it was evidence of that and also a sign of rebellion of your very own body. Your body was also rebelling, not letting the Otsuitsuki's blood to completely overtake your own DNA. 

Removing your hand from his throat, you still made sure to keep your chakra around him, while you stepped back. There was one person who deserved this, and that was Kawaki. Only he knew what kind of pain he made him go through, and only he knew if he wanted to take revenge. Sometimes revenge wasn't the best path, Sasuke had once taken that road and he ended up almost killing his brother. Or maybe you shouldn't even say that to begin with, you've taken that road too. 

 He needed to make that choice, and to be as to live with it. "He's all yours to do as you please."

The young male furrowed his eyebrows, but slowly walked towards the man who once called himself his adoptive father. The man who promised him that he would no longer suffer, but he had simply given him another type of hell. 

Jigen's flesh was being eaten by your chakra, but with how fast he was able to heal, new flesh appeared. However, Jigen was tired, exhausted and he knew that he wouldn't be able to get out of this alive. A wave of anger, of rage traveled through his body. He hated Jigen and being in front of him, this weak...It brought him great satisfaction. "How do I get rid of this deal?" 

It broke your heart that he still had the hope of getting rid of that curse. But from the looks of it, Jigen wasn't about to just tell him. "Why would I ever tell you, my goal was to place that deal on you. I've accomplished it a-" but Kawaki didn't let him finish and finish him off. 

With Jigen gone, so was the possibility of getting rid of that seal. As soon as he killed Jigen, Kawaki walked away obviously wanting to be alone....But right now maybe it wasn't the best time to leave him alone. 

Which was why as much as you wanted to follow him, you decided to give him some space. Sometimes all that was needed was a moment of silence and to think things through.  But, Kawaki had plenty of that for most of his life. It was time to let him know that he didn't have to deal with this alone. 

"Can the two of you check up on Konohamaru and the others? I'll be there with you in a few minutes." As you stared to follow Kawaki, you asked Momoshiki and Boruto. 

Kawaki didn't walk too far, he just needed a moment to be alone. "Please," he knew you had been following him, and by the way he looked away, he didn't need you to be here he just didn't want to say it. At least, that was your impression. 

"I just wanted to let you know that you don't have to deal with this alone. If you need me I'll be with the others." You had been about two meters away from him, but once you told him what you had in mind, you turned around and leave. 

Kawaki still didn't know how to show or to acknowledge someone's support. He didn't know how to accept it, but he needed it. "Please don't go." 

That stopped you, it froze you to the core. His voice, he was exhausted from life beating him up. "Kawaki..."You rushed to his side, quickly taking him into your arms. This time he didn't hesitate to place his arms around you and tug you forward, desperate to have someone close to him. 

"I'm trying," his voice temebled as he attempted to talk, "I cannot understand how you do it." His face rested on nook of your neck, and the droplets landing on your exposed flesh were not from rain. 

"Having someone there helps make this burden not so heavy." Calmly you moved back just a bit, so that you could grasp his face between the palm of your hands. His eyes were red, teary and he felt ashamed that you had to see him like that. But you caressed his face, trying to sooth his pain. "I've said it before and I will say it now. I'll always be there for you Kawaki, to help you ease the pain." Pushing you against your body again, you hugged him and allowed him to let his emotions out. 

It took him a few minutes to compose himself, and with hesitation, he pulled away. His gaze explored your face, every detail. He could stare at you for eternity and he would never grow tired of it. "Thank you, we can return to the others." 

As the two of you returned, he continued to stare at you. Your presence always soothed all his worries away, he liked to be at your side. 

The truth was, for over a week, he spent with you, be had been pondering about that strong feeling he had for you. He knew that it was a deep respect, you had been the person he admired since he was young. That respect grew to something else. 

He loved having at his side...He liked it so much that he infested to keep it like that for all the years to come.

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