Chapter 23

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He feared the worse after the others returned, empty handed. Some continued their search, that of course being Itachi, Goro and the trio of kids. The others had to stay behind because they had a family behind, and they needed to report back.

But Naruto couldn't sleep of the time for the following days, which of course, not wanting to interrupt Hinata's sleep, he occupied another room.

Perhaps that wasn't the only time though, being a Hokage has a lot of responsibilities and sometimes Naruto is left not being able to sleep. That's why he had used other rooms to try to sleep or even try to find solutions.

So it wasn't a surprise that even after you were gone, Boruto was facing him. His daughter was staying with her mother so he was using her room currently, and without notice Boruto entered the room with a glare directed at him

Naruto rubbed his eyes, trying to offer a small smile. "You alright? It's rather late and you should go to sleep."

The young boy crossed his arms across his arms. "Why are you staying here?"

Although Boruto could have asked that question days ago, he decided to do so now. "I can't sleep, and I just don't want to disturb your mother."

"Why?" He asked again.

Letting out a long sigh, Naruto rubbed the side of his head. "[Name], the team that went after her didn't find her."

The name made Boruto's face to into an even bigger frown.” It’s always about her! It's because of her that mom has been crying lately! Why can't you just let her leave! We were all happy before she arrived."

Naruto wasn't sure how to react, surprised that Hinata would cry, and for what reason? This has not been the first time they had distanced themselves because of how much work he had. Or angry that Boruto would say that. "I can't just abandoned her Boruto, she's a friend of mine for many years."

Before he continued, Boruto stepped forward and pointed his finger at him. "She isn't just a friend, is she? I know what she meant to you all of those years ago, I'm not stupid."

In frustration, Naruto groaned. "Not this Boruto, not now. If there is anything to talk about that, I'll do so with your mom. So please leave."

Protesting, Boruto left the room. Leaving Naruto to continue with his thoughts. Everything was madness since you left. And for a good reason, everyone was restless, worried that you were gone.

Why kept him awake every night? Your disappearance, he was very worried about you, the others were too. The council had not stopped bugging him about sending a team to find you, not caring about how long it took. Or, you'll be added to the bingo book. Again, which he would not allow.

But over everything, was what Orochimaru and Kabuto told him. They didn't say it to the others, probably because it would cause panic. They told him about your mental state, staying alone and isolated had really managed to demage you mantaly.

They thought and they had been right, being here had been a great and a possibility change. Your depression was gone, but just like Orochumaru thought, having your friends give you their backs and treat you like they did would only break you even further.

You didn't have anyone, your parents had preferred that you were dead when you accepted Kabuto's help. And although it had been so many years that it happened, and at some point you accepted their choice, you still held that pain.

From your family side, you had no one else. You only had your friends, you weren't used to being  alone, after you escaped and even when you were in Orochimaru's possession, you had someone.

You just were not used to loneliness, and that had so much depression to you for years. But that returned, and a lot worse when you were basically forced to leave.

He hated to admit it, but he needed to bring you for your own well being and because, like Orochumaru said, in your state you wouldn't be careful and you could die. You would also become an easy target and with your ability, you were a great danger.

Naruto still had to think about Momoshiki and his clan, they are still a threat and they needed to be handled. The truth was, as much as Naruto and the others were strong enough, if they wanted the least damage and the least deaths, they weren't ready for it. You had been such a blessing to the village, you had been able to help minimize the destruction and prevented him from being taken.

But now you were gone. Letting out a sigh of frustration, he let himself fall on the bed and attempted to get some rest.


The village had changed so much, and it wasn't surprising since so much time has passed already.

But before curiously got a better grasp of his mind, he searched for the Hokage's building. 
It took him a few  minutes to remember everything, and the location if the building. Although he was aware that he was alive...He still couldn't quite grasp it, and he felt...Sometimes he felt like he was suffocating, sometimes his mind would just stay in shock.

It wasn't easy grasping the idea that one day he was at his beloved's side, on peace and tranquility and the next thing, he is here and alive in a place that he no longer belongs to.

Taking a shaky breath, and leaning on the wall of a store, he gathered himself and continued. When he arrived he asked to see the current Hokage. Some would say that they would be shocked to see him, but before he entered the village, he made sure to cover not only his face but also his chakra signature.

He waited patiently, as he did so, he observed everyone that came by. He recognized Kakashi, Sasuke, Lee, and then the rest who came by.

"Excuse me sir, the Hokage can see you now. “And then he was allowed to enter, and the sight in front of him made him feel proud and the happiest man.

Naruto looked tired but even so, be raised his gaze and took notice of the man standing in front of him. "Please take a seat." He offered, putting a few documents aside.

The man reached for the mask, he hesitated worried that revealing himself would not only bring shock but also worry and even cause him to panic. It had to be done, slowly he removed the mask.

As be expected, the Hokage's mouth opened in shock, eyes widened not sure in either also shock or pure horror. His lips opened then closed, trying to talk. It took him a few attempts to utter just that simple word. "Dad?"

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