Chapter 1 - Man I Love Him

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Sasuke and I have been going out for a while now, and I gotta say, I'm completely in love with that boy... 

It's funny, I don't exactly remember how it all started, when I first noticed I was starting to see him differently, I just remember talking to him one day after practice and then he just... grabbed my hand, pulled me into an empty alleyway and... w-we kissed... it lasted until we both needed air, before our lips parted... 

I was dumbfounded... 

He was a guy, he just kissed me, and... I liked it... a lot. 

Anyway, one thing led to another and before I knew it, I waking up in my bed... I looked over my naked shoulder and... 

I'm disappointed...

He's not there... 

Maybe it was just another exotic dream... 

I mean... honestly, it's not like it would have been my first one about him, especially after traveling around and training with Pervy Sage...

Honestly, I've probably seen so many women when they didn't know we were there... 

I guess I just kinda... 

Gosh, I don't know how to say this, but... it's like I got use to how women look. I mean, they just all look the same to me... they all have curves (of some sort), they all have breasts (just different sizes, and too squishy if you ask me), they DIDN'T have anything... *ehem* "down south"... their hair was always done-up in some manner or other, they always wore too much make-up for their own good... i-its not that I think badly of women, I just, don't get what all the hype is about... but... I guess there WAS at least ONE redeeming quality to being a woman...

See, I'd invented this jutsu when I was a kid, where I could turn into a naked woman at a moment's notice... I called it Sexy-No-Jutsu... it worked GREAT for distracting pervy men like Pervy Sage, when on missions (or when I would get myself into trouble, eheh), but the thing is... I'm an orphan. So its not like I'd ever seen an actual woman naked before then (no mom, no sister, not even a crazy aunt to run around in a bath towel getting ready for the day, or to spy on... for blackmailing purposes, of course), so there'd always be some form of smoke or steam covering what I didn't really know about in the Jutsu (I knew what they looked like covered through shirts, dresses and bathing suits, but I didn't know what was underneath)... 

So yeah. 

I'll admit it. 

I WAS watching those girls. 

But I WASN'T salivating all over the good green earth like Pervy Sage was. No, I was actually studying how a real woman looked, how they moved, how they responded to each other, their response to the other's touch, and how they reacted when they found Pervy Sage out. 

Honestly... woman's bodies... they just don't 'excite' me like they seemed to with Pervy Sage. In fact, I honestly couldn't figure out what Pervy Sage found so great about them in the first place... but... it was for men LIKE the old geezer that I even came up with the Jutsu in the first place, so... yes... I'd go along... but the only reason I'd actually go was for research... REAL research. 

So yeah, while he went about resting his wounds from getting the living crap beat out of him, I'd find a more private place and practice perfecting my jutsu. Heck, I even went so far as to sneak into the library and find all the medical records and anatomy books on women and their health care that I could find... I wanted to be prepared for anything. 

So yeah, it was all purely research. 


Yeah, alright, I WAS seventeen, but... I'm a ninja first and foremost. I didn't have time for girls or what Pervy Sage insisted they could give me or make me feel. Plus... I mean, it's not like I'd actually felt any lust towards any of the women we came across... or ANYONE for that matter. Actually, I think the first... dream, that ever 'got to me' was... about Sasuke. 

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