Chapter Sixteen

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The moment Danielle left the room, Aurelie gasped for breath. When she'd stopped breathing she wasn't aware, but her chest was tight and her stomach was in knots. She folded over in the chair, crossing her arms and placing her elbows on her knees as she sucked in another deep breath.

The adrenaline quickly faded, and once the air returned to her lungs, the panic was gone as well. She hadn't expected Danielle to lash out the way she did, nor for her to be so terrifying when angry. She'd always assumed Danielle was always angry, that she was somewhat of a temperamental person, but it was clear that wasn't the case. Danielle was always sour, but that was nothing in comparison to the anger she'd just expressed. Aurelie had been petrified pinned under that gaze, the storm-color in her eyes reflective of what may as well have been a hurricane. The seething anger, the twisted, wild, sneer.

Aurelie was angry herself. Angry Danielle turned on her like that, treated her so cruelly. Angry Danielle trusted Delilah with her feelings but not her. Angry her parents could hurt her so badly. Angry the world could. But most of all, she was sad—heartbroken, really—that Danielle held in so much feeling, enough that pushing the right buttons could make her snap so horribly. Not only was it unhealthy for her, but if she acted on those feelings...

Aurelie didn't want to think about what could happen if Danielle did such a thing. She genuinely didn't want to believe Danielle would ever actually hurt anyone, especially her, but just thinking about the blind white rage in her was enough to confirm her worst fears. Danielle was unhinged.

Aurelie stood, taking a moment to adjust as the feeling in her feet returned. Once she was confident enough to walk, she quickly stepped out of the room, determined to get Danielle help. But what would she do? Where would she go? She didn't want Danielle to get in trouble with any staff, including the counselor, and knowing the way other students treated her, she couldn't imagine anyone being kind about her getting the help she so clearly needed. But even then, she wasn't certain she'd be able to convince Danielle to seek help.

Darren. Something in the back of her mind brought his name to her thoughts. Danielle's brother, surely, would know what to do. And she wanted to ask him about their home situation anyways, both for their benefit and her own. She just hoped Danielle wouldn't seek out her brother, knowing if she saw her approach him she'd get in trouble. Besides, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to look her in the eyes, especially after...that.

Aurelie paused once she reached the main building, a sense of dread overwhelming her. She didn't know Darren at all. She didn't know his classes, or where his room was, or where he liked to hang out. Although he occasionally visited their lunch table, usually to speak with Henry and Luke, she'd seen the siblings send almost telepathic looks at each other, and Darren clearly kept his distance for her sake.

She did, however, know where Luke would be, and Darren seemed to have a soft spot for him.

Bounding off towards Mr. Hampton's classroom, Aurelie found herself praying Luke would already be in the room. Now with only ten minutes before classes started, she knew most kids would begin to arrive. She could only hope Luke was one of them.

Aurelie turned the corner quickly, knowing Mr. Hampton's class was only a few doors down. She hadn't made it to the other side before she was stopped by another student. More specifically, by colliding with them.

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