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Hello, dear readers. First off, I'd like to apologize for the lack of updates. While I do still love this story, and love hearing everyone's feedback and support, my motivation to write has been...lacking.

As of late, I've had a lot on my mind: trying to reconnect with my abusive father, financial difficulties, school, etcetera. I'm doing alright, but I've had other things on my mind. Most recently, I've been having an awful lot of gender dysphoria (god forbid I'm actually a straight white male, haha) and I wouldn't want to give the impression that, if I am in fact a guy, that I'm in any way fetishizing lesbians. I'm sure none of you would think that, but I wouldn't want any room for doubt.

I'm also working on another story, which everyone might be more interested in! I hope to post the first chapter soon, so please be on the lookout! I will return to TNHAS someday, but for the time being, it is on hold.

Thank you everyone for your support. You've all had a huge impact on my confidence as a writer. Have a wonderful day, everyone.

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