Chapter 9

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Tommy's P.O.V
I can't explain how horrible I feel about Maddie catching me and Cynthia making out in the change rooms. She looked so heart broken, her eyes were teary when she saw us. I don't know why but all I know is that I feel disgusted to be caught making out with Cynthia. Why did I ever make out with Cynthia?Why did I ever date her? I don't even properly like her!

I walked slowly in silence back home after 6 period. A green pyrmont passed by with 3 teenagers inside screaming along to the music being blasted. I finally reached home what seemed like 1 hour after overthinking everything that just happened.

I go upstairs and pull out all my homework and assignments. I started right away to get them out of the way for the up coming Saturday. Time passed by so quickly with Maddie wondering through my mind every second. By the time I finished all my homework and most of my assignments the time is 1am and gosh I am exhausted. I just want to sleep.

I go to my window to close my curtain and I see the the girl I'm gradually falling for. Maddie... if only she knew how badly i am aching for her. Hell I would leave Cynthia any day for Maddie without hesitation. I don't know exactly how Maddie feels about me. I really want to have her in my arms, in my bed and just hold onto her so tight so no one can ever take her away from me. All I want is her... all I need is her. I know I barely know her but my mind is overwhelming with thoughts of her and me together. Imagine all the cute dates we would go on. Gosh if only I could show her how she should be treated by a man.

I want to drive her around the city, go on late night drives, have deep conversations, stare into her eyes and watch her cheeks blush. I want to go to the beach with her see her perfect body and carry her when her feet are tired from walking. I want to blast the music so loud and jam out to music we both like and know lyrics to. I want to go out for lunch or dinner and where we fight over the bill but I eventually win and pay for my gorgeous Maddie. I want to go out with her to the movies or stay at home and cuddle on the couch while watching Netflix. I want to bake cookies with Maddie. I want to make her feel special like no one has ever made her feel.

Fuck, I'm so deep into this it's unreal. I just can't stop goddamn thinking about how perfect she is. I have never seen anyone this beautiful in my life. I find myself standing, starring with my eyes dilated and not planning to take my eyes off her.

Tomorrow I'm going to try and talk to her and see what happens. I don't want to have any complications at this point it's only the start of the year and I don't want her to hate me or be distant from me. I want to get to know her better and see what her thoughts are on me then decide whether I should cut off Cynthia.

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