Chapter 12

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Maddie's P.O.V
I hear a huge bang from Tommy's room and my suspicions inevitably grow. I get a little worried but then I realise it's Tommy we're talking about here. I gathered he probably had a petty fight with his mom from all the shouting, not loud enough to hear what they were saying. I finally finish all of my homework and walk to my window to see if Tommy is in his room. To my surprise, his curtains are opened and as soon as he spots me staring at him I immediately rush out of view. Gosh, why am i so awkward? I end up coming to the conclusion that he doesn't deserve me to worry about him. He lets off hints that he may be interested in me, very strong hints might I add, then he makes out with his apparent girlfriend. Why would he put in any effort to even talk to me if he had a girlfriend? If he was a genuinely nice guy i wouldn't question him being such a welcoming neighbour but let's be real, Tommy is far from that. His stare alone torments me.

I hop in the shower and find myself trying to recall what making eye contact with him is like. It's magical... NO! I'm finding it impossible to forget about him, to rid my thoughts of him. I don't have a personal attachment to Tommy, a guy i hardly know. He's just a guy.
I've never been so into someone before. My friends at my old school used to have major crushes on some older boy's and i used to judge them because I didn't have it in me to feel something strong and passionate towards another person. Me, the girl who judged people for being head over heals for a guy is finally falling into the same spiral. The irony is too much for me to handle. My head starts pounding and I start to feel dizzy, so i step out of the over heated shower and get changed. I flop, stomach first on my bed and feel my eyelids getting heavy. I need to catch up on sleep. A classic Jane Austen was just too good to stop reading even if it was 12 am on a school night.
As I start to drift off to sleep I hear someone calling my name.
"Maddie! You there? I need to talk to you," shouts... Tommy?
I ignore him. I don't have the energy tonight.
"Maddie, please, I know you're there," mystery boy repeats. I can't just ignore him.
"I've missed you. I wanted to talk to you all day"
"why weren't you at school today? I was worried." Why did I say that. He doesnt need that information..
"You missed me?"
"Why weren't you at school, don't avoid the question"
"Um, well I slept in and something popped up so i couldn't make it."
"What was up with the shouting I heard before, is everything alright?"
"It was me and my mom. Something got a bit out of hand."
"I understand if you don't want to tell my about it, but if you have something on your mind you can talk to me." I can't help it. I can't help but be kind to him, it's like he has a spell on me or something.
"I don't deserve you .."

I hear tommy's mom shout his name and he immediately runs out of his room, cutting him off mid sentence.

Tommy's P.O.V
I hear my mom shout my name. What does she want now? I was having the best conversation i've ever had with Maddie and she had to cut me off.
"Tommy!" shouts my mom.
"I'm going to the grocery store, is there anything you need?"
"I understand that we had an argument before but there's no need to hold anything against me. this isn't my fault and you know that."

I walk away from the conversation. I'm not bothered for this right now, and i need to continue my conversation with Maddie.
As i approach the window, I see she isn't there. I call her name but there isn't an answer. She's probably having dinner or something, i can wait. I lay on my bed and start to fall asleep, despite me sleeping half the day.

I wake up to my moms voice accompanied with... father. There's no way. I run to the door and see the two of them standing there.
"Great grocery trip, mom!" I shout with total anger, "What.. How.. Whats he doing here?!" At this point, there is no way i'm going to control my anger. What's wrong with her?
"Tommy! Stop shouting. On the way to the grocery store I got a phone call submitting your father out of the hospital, so i went to pick him up."
"You couldn't wait till morning, huh? you wanted to burden me with his presence here tonight, you just couldn't wait! I can't believe this."
As i run to my room i hear my father call my name with a wince in his voice but i couldn't care less. I slam my door with all my power and close my window. I am in no mood to talk to anyone.
This isn't happening.
My head is pounding, and i feel sick to my stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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