Chapter One, Road Runners

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The water around me glistened red, the fading light dancing off the gruesome scene, my parents mangled bodies where to the right of me, behind a werewolf,

The stench seeped off of the creature like smoke, rotting flesh, the stench of a rouge.

I fought to stop the tears threatening to spill from my eyes, as I dragged myself to my feet. I faced him and ran, as fast as I could jumping at the last second, as soon as I made contact with my parents pain overtook my body and the wind started...




Finally contact was made, the alarm shut off and I rolled over landing on a cold tiled floor, "ooff" I slowly got up running my hand over my sore butt and back. The boxes around my room made for a hard walk to the bathroom.

I pulled on a set of clothes and washed my face, pulling my black and purple hair into a loose bun, there is no going back now, was the soul thing running through my mind as I watched the water swirl down the drain, my eyes wandered to the mirror.

I looked tense, my eyes where a sickly shade of grey almost a washed out black, after three years that nightmare still takes this kind of toll on my mind.

I sat on the side of my bath tub and sighed, I tasted the salt in the air, the water that was stuck in my eye lashes dripped onto my legs, where they touched small patches of scales formed, I sighed wiping my face on the closest towel,

As I applied my makeup I realised that my eyes had gone back to their normal colour, Unfortunately for me, Normal, wasn't normal enough, because my eyes are dark purple

I made my way through the tangle of boxes all marked with one of three words "fragile" "random" or "private", my mind playing over the dream for the hundredth time.

If you ever want to know purple was my setteling colour, the colour my soul settled on when I was born, my mother's was emerald, my father's was bright sapphire and my brothers is daisy yellow.

My brother was five when my parents died, that was three years ago, I'm turning 18 in two days but we are moving across country to our old ten acre estate on the beach surrounded by a dense forest which I can honestly say, I love.

As I walked to my brothers room I thought of how angry he was when I told him we where moving again, as expected from an 8year old. But there is honestly nothing I can do, I'm not even legally suppose to be his guardian, the human government doesn't even know my parents existed.

We are mers or mermaids, but we are different, most mermaids can't do anything other than the general stuff, like phase, breath underwater, but my brother and I can do things only gifted to a certain blood line, the Royal bloodlines.

The royal bloodlines have three decendencies, we where from the third, but our line was slowly being picked off, my parents where the last killed.

My mother could change the shape off any non-living object with a thought, then if she wanted she could change someones appearence, the effects would last almost 4 hours, my father could control water, being the Head man of the family it was kind of a blood thing every male from the blood line could do it, so that's what my brother does aswell, as for me I can move through space or teleport, as some like to call it, but it drains every ounce of strength I have and I go go into a sort of comatose state afterwards, no one knows when or if I wake up, the rare thing is that I can also read peoples thoughts.

I opened my brothers door to reveal him sitting on his bed rubbing his eyes with the backs of his hands,

"hey Sammy, are you finished packing" he looked up at me showing off beautiful yellow eyes

"Yes Ree" my full name is lillare Rosetta Melcast, my brother is Samuel Jamels Melcast.


I was making breakfast when I heard a knock at the door, I frowned and walked over looking through the peep hole, revealing four men standing in front of the door, behind them was a van that read Melbourn Movers Inc. "Shit I forgot about the Movers"

They all had identical expressions of shock as I swung open the door and took in the mismatched jeans and singlets making them look anything but professional

"Is this the Melcast residence" I smiled trying to make it seem like I didn't notice how unofficial their 'business' really is

"Yes, thank you all for coming on such short notice, you can start upstairs all boxes are marked like you asked, I will be in the kitchen if you need any help" they all nodded as I stepped to the side and they walked in going straight to the second floor.

As I got back to the kitchen, I looked around. Four pancakes where sitting on a plate, I looked at my brother,

"where is the pancake batter" I knew instantly as he fought a giggle, his thoughts rang loud and clear

"Ree that's not fair" he giggled as I walked towards him

"What's not fair, I was just going to ask if you wanted me to cook the pancakes before you ate them, that's all" the pancake batter was forgotten as we ran around the kitchen in fits of giggles. I finally caught him and started tickling his stomach

"R-Ree I-Im sorry" he was laughing histericaly as I heard another person enter the house.

We both looked at each other as the steps got closer I stood in front of him as the footsteps rounded the corner

"Sorry I'm late, my name is Austin" I kept my eyes down as I stretch my hand out to shake his, not taking any sort of notice to what he looked like

"The others are upstairs, first set of stairs on your right, straight up, I'm sure you can hear them anyway"

"Thanks" I heard him walk off and turned to see Sam giving me a strange look

"What" he shrugged and walked off pulling himself up to sit on the counter

"Just thought you might actually want to find your soul link, can't do that if you won't look at him" I let the comment slide as I grabbed the bowl of batter from his hands poking him as I went.

As soon as the agent picked up the keys for the new house owners me and my brother were on our way to the airport. Check in was a breeze and our flight left soon after, then ,for the next four hours I was stuck behind a screaming 5 year old who insisted on kicking the back of my chair. By the time I got of the flight my eyes where blood red, I was beyond Angry and tiered. But I knew the struggle, so my mouth remained shut.

I slipped my shades on as I hailed a cab, I closed my eyes when we sat down taking five deep breaths, I looked at my brother and smiled, I noticed the cabbie looking at me in the rear view mirror

"where you going" I took of my shades and leaned forward so he could hear me when I spoke "

"hay point, number 2596" he looked shocked but started driving anyway, he stopped half way up the drive and sighed

"I'm sorry, I can't go any further, policy, it's private property" I shrugged and said my thanks, I dropped $60 into his hands as he rattled off a much smaller number and grabbed my bag and Sams', I turned as he began to protest and shut the door following the trail Sam left in the towering grass.
This is the first edited chapter, thank you for all your patience surrounding this book, and I hope these changes make your reading experience so so much better.

Remember all feedback is welcome.

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