Chapter 2. (Under Rewrite)

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The morning sun sent a nice feeling of warmth in the hospital room as the bright morning sun shone slightly through the curtains and into Izuku's eyes, causing his expression to contort from peaceful to slightly scrunched as he slowly opened his eyes, adjusting slightly to the light from the curtain.

Only to get an eye full of a rosy pink cheek in his face that belonged to none other than his beloved Ochako, the brunette in question was snoring soundly as a line of drool trickles down the corner of her lips and is hugging the dragon boy with her arms wrapped around his head as she spoke in her sleep.

Ochako: "Zuzu...I love you..."

What Ochako said, even though she was asleep, brought a smile to Izuku's face as the greenette leaned his upward and kissed her cheek as he responds, wrapping his arms behind her back and holding her tightly and refused to let go.

Izuku: "And I love you too Sweet Mochi."

Although she was asleep, a smile curled into the edges of her lips as she snuggles into her boyfriend's untameable but soft and fluffy hair. Although the moment couldn't last long enough as the sun shone into round face's eyes as she stirred from her sleep and saw her boyfriend wide awake as he said hello.

Izuku: "Morning sleepy head."

Ochako: "Oh hahaha, very funny."

As Ochako gives her draconic boyfriend a morning kiss on his cheek, she shifted her position so she's laying flat on his chest and trailed her hands from his head down to his back as the greenette starts a conversation.

Izuku: "So, how did you sleep last night?"

Ochako: "I slept well, your hair and chest make great pillows."

Hearing this from the girl of his dreams, Izuku's face forms a blush as his body temperature rose slightly and he sheepishly turns away, causing Ochako to giggle at how cute he looks when he gets even slightly flustered. This would've kept on going if it weren't for the Izuku's hospital room door open and a familiar face walks in with Skele-Might.

This person was none other than the #1 hero's best friend, detective Tsukauchi.

Tsuckauchi: "Hey there little Yagi, how are you?"

Izuku: "Well as you can see, I have a quirk after all and in a hospital room, but I'm doing alright, as well as Ochako."

Hearing Izuku refer to his childhood friend by her actual name rather than her second name caused All Might's eyes to widen with surprise, and then it formed into a proud smile as he gave his stepson the thumbs up, making Izuku realize that it was only the first day of his Ochako's relationship and already he exposed them.

Tsukauchi: "Well I guess that's not all that's happened has it?"

Izuku: "N-no."

All Might: "Oh my god, wait until your mother hears about this!"

Tsukauchi: "Hehe, that can wait Yagi, remember why we're here."

All Might: "Oh yes, that's right."

As the detective took a free chair and sat in it, he went over asking some questions to Izuku, all of which he complied with. After about a few minutes of discussing many different things, Tsukauchi brought up the fight between the boy and the hero Death Arms.

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