Chapter 17. (Under Rewrite)

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It was approximately 1:30 in the morning at the U.A dormitories with everyone sound asleep, either snoring down the very foundations of the entire campus, or having pleasant and joy filled dreams as they slept peacefully through the night. But not everyone was off in the sleeping realm like nearly everyone else should.

There was one student who was still awake at this ungodly hour of the morning as he was seen sitting at his desk in his dorm room, the light from his laptop would be blinding to those who had woken up and started using it this early in the morning.

"And that was how I heard that Yagi has an entire hoard of treasures in his room. It's honestly mind boggling how he has so much and keeps it undetected from the way they're describing it." The individual said into the microphone, his voice was smug and arrogant as he spoke to whoever it was on the other side.

"I see...I've got another job for you kid. I want you to not only continue getting information about U.A and Yagi. But I also want you to see if you can sneak away with a few bits and pieces of his treasure hoard, as much as you can carry in your pockets. The money we can make off with it all will be extremely important for us, so I'd like to see if you can make off with a few pieces tonight." The voice on the other end of the laptop was sickly and downright vile, but there was something else inside of it.

An unrelenting impulse to destroy anything and everything.

"I guess I should tell you to be careful too, Hisashi's whelp has incredible senses that are very similar to his own. Incredible eyesight, super hearing, but you really need to be careful because he's got an amazingly sensitive sense of smell. If he wakes up and notices you stealing from his hoard, there's no out running him. So be careful and don't screw this up...Or there'll be some serious repercussions when I find you. Good luck, Nieto Monoma."

The last thing the blonde from 1-B saw on the camera was the sick and deathly face of the crazy villain that the students of U.A had recently taken up calling Sir Handjob. Nieto Monoma was apparently someone who worked under the League as the minor's version of an undercover-op, and he was lucky enough to have gotten into U.A at all thanks to the effects of his quirk lasting only for two minutes max.

But thanks to the recent training they were doing, he was able to extend that duration for much longer now, but that was only a droplet of sunshine in the sea of reality in the fact that his quirk was still pretty much garbage.

It requires him to get into direct physical contact with someone, he needs to be certain that at least a finger touches him, and if he doesn't know the quirk of his target then there was no hope for him really, because he wouldn't know what to expect.

He did at least know of Izuku's from first hand experience back in the One Vs Thirty nine match between their two classes that they did a while back, and has since taken every measure he could to become more will over his pain control, essentially trying to bare the pain of transforming into a dragonkin as best as he physically can.

After closing his laptop with a small click sounding out as it locked and closed tightly, he got up from his chair, walked over to his closet and opened it before kneeling down and moving some clothes on clothes hangers out of the way.

Reaching his arms deeper into his closet, he grabbed a small cardboard box and pulled it towards him, smiling as he opened four the flaps on top of the box while he thought to himself. "All those riches over in that beast's foul den could sell for quite the price on the market, and we can get more money to progress our plans."

As he said this from inside his head, he thought back to the two past events of Izuku embarrassing him and utterly planting him into the ground, and anger started to take over slowly like a silently creeping wave just along the shoreline of a beach.

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