Chapter 16. (Under Rewrite)

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*3rd PoV*

The next day went by like a cool and relaxing breeze in the park, but the morning didn't start off so well for Izuku as two particular perverts decided to pull a little prank of their own. And it was definitely a gross one.

The first thing Izuku woke up to was a sudden soft fabric getting smashed into his cheek, bringing him back to the waking world. But he kept his eyes shut, his face contorted in discomfort and just growled grumpily, but it continued when it was being spread across his cheek, and that was when he heard two certain voices speak from beside him.

Kaminari and Mineta, they were pulling a prank on him, and a very, VERY disgusting one at that. When Izuku took a sniff of the air for a moment, his eyes burst wide open in pure disgust and horror as he took in the incredibly foul stench while realizing what they did.

Without another word, he jumped from his bed and nearly tossed Ochako to the floor as he made a beeline straight to the bathroom and into the shower to get himself cleaned up. As for Ochako, she was abruptly brought out of her happy dream when her draconic boyfriend got out of the bed and rushed straight to the shower to rid himself of the stench.

She let out a scream from seeing the two perverts in her boyfriend's quarters as she remained beneath the quilt and covered her naked form from the both of them. They didn't seem to understand that the ninth wielder of One for All was bare underneath the blanket, but all eyes suddenly turn to the door to see that Izuku, as quickly as he got in and cleaned himself, out of the shower and drenched with water as he shouted in pure rage at the two perverts.

"DID YOU TWO SERIOUSLY JUST WAKE ME UP BY RUBBING SHIT ON MY FACE!?" The draconic greenette had taken a lot of classes to manage his anger, but he was never a morning person, so combining that with being rudely awoken by having human feces being rubbed into your face is enough for him to cause a second sundering.

Ever since then, Izuku was hellbent on getting back at the two for their little stunt, and he was going to. He filled Kirishima in on what happened when his best friend came upstairs, having heard the commotion from the floor beneath.

Later that day, the greenette and the redhead met in private in Izuku's room to discuss their plans and settled that they'll leave Mineta's the way it is, seeing that it would be just as easily gross. But Kaminari's, that was going to take some work to add in this little adjustment, and by some work, I mean they're just going to need a second punching glove and two plastic party cups.

With their plans now settled on, the two gave each other sinister and toothy grins at the prospect of their plans coming to fruition. It was now late into the evening and the class was just about to throw a nice little party for their reptilian friend, having also invited class-B over because hey, the more the merrier.

And during this time, the two perverts and everyone else were completely oblivious to the two scheming pranksters. Izuku and Kirishima had snuck into Mineta's room and found a special bottle inside on a shelf from his small cupboard. After checking to see what it was, they confirmed that it was what they were looking for and put their first plan into motion.

From the waistband of Izuku's jogging bottoms, he pulled out a small pump that's used to bask chickens, turkey etc in tasty and delicious sauces, and from Kirishima's pocket, the redhead pulled out a vial filled with white liquid as the greenette whipped out his phone from his pocket with one of his three tails and began recording him and his best bud pulling off the first of the two pranks.

Kaminari's was going to be a lot more complicated than that, but the two managed to pull it off with Kirishima keeping the idiot dumbass moron's attention away from his room and allowed Izuku to get into position and prepare for the prank.

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