Chapter 5. (Under Rewrite)

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Izuku and Ochako flew into the fake city, ready to pass the exam and enter their dream school together, eager to destroy villains, even if they were fake. When the dragon boy made a tight turn left and flew down a huge road, he and his girlfriend saw a load of one, two and three-pointer robots, the automated walking pieces of metal turn their gaze to the teens.

Izuku: "You ready Ochako!?"

Ochako: "Let's do this!"

Ochako tightens the grip of her arms that wrapped around Izuku as he dove downwards slightly, gaining momentum as they descend to the ground, the robots perking up and readying themselves for the two teens.

Izuku: "Hold on Ochako!"

Suddenly, Izuku rears back, the membranes of his wings stretching to accommodate the amount of air pressure that's piling into them as it slows his trajectory, Ochako holding onto her beloved for dear life as his giant protrusions were lit aflame. With one enormous beat of his wings, Izuku shouts out a favourite move of his that he likes to call.

Izuku: "Raging Wing Clap!"

When Izuku's wings shot forward towards the onslaught of robots, a huge gust of wind followed as it sends a vast majority of them in the area to go flying as they melted due to the fire on the dragon boys wings blew oof and created a rapidly rushing wall of superheated fire towards the now smouldering heap of slag, leaving only a handful of them left.

When Izuku landed on the ground, Ochako hops off his shoulders as they finish off the rest of the robots, Izuku causing distractions as Ochako brushed her fingers on them and makes them float. Once they got at a certain height, she places her fingers together as she shouts "Release!" as they all came crashing down around them, becoming nothing but spare parts

When there were no faux villains left in the area, the two cinnamon rolls walk to each other, wrap their arms around the other and connect for a quick kiss. When they parted, Izuku and Ochako went their separate ways, thinking it would be best to try and get as many points on their owns as possible. If they worked together, Izuku would just hog them due to his sheer power.

As Ochako rushes to a crowd of people to earn more points from so many faux villains that were there, Izuku heads over to yet another crowd of students trying to get into U.A as he took to the air again, this time he was getting a view of how many robots were left for him to smash to bits.

And there just so happened to be a hefty amount of one and two pointers, all stacked on top of each other.

Smirking a toothy smirk, Izuku's mouth, neck and chest began to glow their signature colour when he was preparing to breathe fire as he dove down, acting as a literal bomb as he descended down onto the pile of robots.

That is until he saw a spiky read-head pulverise a three-pointer but was unaware of a two-pointer preparing to batter his brains out from behind. Seeing this from high above, Izuku changes course from the pile faux villains, missing his chance for a few more points, he rushes to help the oblivious redhead as he shouts to him.

Izuku: "LOOK OUT!"

Hearing the voice suddenly, everyone in the area looks up and sees what appears to be meteor falling in the general area. They notice though that it's much smaller than a meteor should be as it falls at rapid speed.

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