The Knowledge

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Ben was leaving the shooting range when he saw his mother talking to a vaguely familiar woman. The two women stopped talking and walked towards him the moment they spotted him.

"Good morning, son." Greeted Leia, kissing his cheek and smiling at him. "I know our plan is compromised now because Sara kidnapped you, but I must say I'm relieved to have you here with us."

"I'm glad to be here too, mom."

"Let me introduce you to Sabine Wren."

"Sara's mother." He smiled, realizing why she looked familiar. "It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am."

"Call me Sabine, dear. And how was your early training session with my daughter?"

"Fine." He asked.

"Really?" asked Leia. "And you got that split lip by tripping and falling on your mouth?"

"Well, it went as fine as it could go. I'm still alive, so it wasn't as bad as it could be."

Sabine chuckled. "Ain't that the truth?"

Ben looked at her and commented: "Sara has your smile."

The two women exchanged a knowing look and Sabine walked closer to him, touching his arm; looking into his eyes, she spoke in a low voice. "My daughter is deeply confused, Ben. She can't forget who you were; and the words you said to her at the Temple left a deep scar. Do you understand why?"

Ben shook his head.

"Because Sara admired you, she had heard a lot about your parents and about you before she went to Yavin. When she got to the Temple – already with many abilities –, and saw you, just as talented as her, she wanted to be admired back. Plus, you're both kids of Rebel fighters, she had never met anyone she could relate to like that." Sabine paused and sighed. "But instead..."

"I was an idiot to her." He completed.

"Yes." Sabine smiled. "Whenever she came home, there wasn't a day she didn't mention your name, or better saying: cursed it. She'd never needed anyone's approval but she really wanted yours."

"She had more than my approval, she had my devotion." He heard himself admitting.

"She knows that now, Ben, but that's not what she remembers. After she found your letter, she changed." Continued Sabine.

"She showed it to you?" he felt a little embarrassed thinking Sabine had read the words he'd written to her daughter.

"Showed me? No, dear. Sara doesn't let anyone near that. But she has recited it to me, parts of it. It's a very beautiful letter, Ben."

"If she's kept it, and likes it, I don't understand why she's still so angry with me." He said.

Sabine smiled softly at him. "Sara mourns what that half-burned page represents."

He frowned, remembering Sara saying earlier she hated him for writing that. "Ok, I think I'm beginning to understand."

Leia added: "Poe said to me that she hates you, son, but she loves the author of that letter."

"And that's why she's confused, Ben. As a kid, Sara wanted your friendship; as an older teenager, she wanted your love; now, as a young woman... I think she fears having her feelings rejected again." Sabine paused and chuckled, "Sara is so upset that she brought you here. But question is: who did she bring here? The Ben from the Temple or from the letter?"

The Letter (Ben Solo/Kylo Ren & Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now