you wanted.

5 2 0

You wanted to stay
in touch with me
so I friendzoned you
and we stopped talking
to each other.

You wanted to stay
in touch with me
you said you can't
just forget
about me
you said you can't
just forget
about the moments.

You found a new girl
a week after it
so how could you
be weak when I told you
I want us to stay friends?

Now you are trying
to know what am I doing?
Now you want to know
if I fuck anybody else.

You miss the time
spent with me
you miss the laugh
with me
you miss the fuck
with me.

But I don't give a fuck
right now about you
what a shame that
I don't want to fuck
with you
ever again.
What a shame
I can barely
remember you.

What a shame
I don't even
miss you.

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