It is dark in the outside.

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I still feel like a
fucking heavy
burden when I
try to talk to

Why is it always
me who wants
to talk to others
and know how
their day was?

Why is it always
me who cares
about others
and give my all
to them?

I feel so lonely
and the only thing
I'm doing
is annoy everybody
around me
just by my existence.

I am so tired
of trying
everyday is
fucking exhausting
and I am
looking for
the end.

I hurt much more
when I realise
there is nobody
that wants to
talk to me.

I hurt much more
when I realise
there is nobody
that gives a fuck
about me.

At least one day
You can talk
to me the way
I do always
to you.

Give me at least
one day to meet you
Give me a day
to get to know you.

I am not sure
if I will be alive
for the next year.

I don't even plan
if I am going to
wake up the next day.

I don't know
if I will be alive
for my next

Probably I am
too hard to
get to.

Probably I am
way too hard
to be understood.

Probably I am
too hard to
be loved.

But surely
I am hard enough
to be forgotten.

It is dark
in the outside
and I am
still thinking
about everything
and nothing.

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