send help.

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I feel like
I am dead already
because there
is nobody
that cares about me.

Why is it always
me who cares

Why is it always
me who loves

Why is it always
me who is
in pain?

It is all
my fault
I guess.

I can get
really quickly
I guess.

I feel like
I have no one
To talk to
when I really
need it.

I am trying
to do anything
to get better
but do I
really need that?

When there is
not a single
soul that tries
to talk to me
at least.

I'm in so much
pain I can't
even get out
of my bed
And talk to
my parents.

By this I
want you to
know that I
don't want to
be that mean
as I seem to

Trust me
I am trying
my best to
at least act
like I am

But the truth
really is
I want to die.

There is no
one that could
save me.

There is not
a single soul
that could
change my

Unless they can
give the same
love as I can

Unless they can
prove me
they really care
about me.

Help me
to get out
of this deep
dark hole
I'm all alone.

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