Chapter 6

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The night howled In a cry of despair and a sob of a baby, then the door creaked open... the two kids weresupposed to return togethe soo but it was only Simon, "Sophie's in deep danger!" His scream uprooted, James came staggering down the heavy staircase and sighed off a weight... "Simon? Is that you! Where Sophie!" James cried, Simon looked at his father "I don't know." He replied, James looked frustrated "why did you both leave!?" He said, Simon shrugged "the baby." He replied, James looked at his son in confusion "why? What about the baby!" He said, Simon shrugged and walked by his dad, shoving him on the way... James got Alyssa up, and her mum and they talked to Simon but no words came out his mouth, silence fell and he finally spoke "A lady, took Sophie, she said she was related to mum..." he said, Alyssa looked in complete confusion then fact hit her... the neighbour... "what did she look like?" She questioned, he thought "Dark brown hair and green eyes with face tattoos everywhere.." Simon said, Alyssa was correct, she dialled the police...

Dispatcher- Hello Alyssa how can we help?

Alyssa- my son Simon has just arrived home, but my daughter Sophie hasn't, he said she was abducted by our neighbour.

Dispatcher- okay Mrs police are on their way.

The call ended... a coldness swept over Alyssa.. what is Sophie was murdered, she swept away that thought and thought that she was okay, but was she?

The alarms echoed, the police knocked gently on Alyssas door, and motioned her outside, she stepped foot in the brisk Baltic air and tip towed toward the door of the neighbour then the police men slammed through the door and the lady said that writing in her journal she suddenly locked it... and they heard a wail of a girl, a little girl... they bolted through the lady and upstairs to see six hostage girls crying with bruises and fully un clothed, Alyssa noticed Sophie straight away she had kiss marks everywhere and bruises on her neck and blood on her legs, "Mummy!" She screamed, running toward her... Alyssa grabbed her daughter in a instant, she took the five over girls to get healing at her home they all slept in the guest bedrooms, the next day frantic parents were knocking at the door, Alyssa answered, "Do you have my Christie?" A frantic father said, Alyssa nodded and let him inside his daughter came running downstairs "Daddy! This woman saved me!" She said, the man looked at Alyssa "thank you so much!" He said, the door shut but then more knocking came a huge crowd of frantic and terrified parents were standing in her view. "Hello miss! Have you saw my Sadie?" A lady said, Alyssa let her inside and led her to the guest bedroom, "is Sadie in here?" Alyssa asked her, Sadie ran over to her mother, "she saved me!" Sadie cheered.

The day howled away and the parents were reunited with their daughters, the police arrested the crazy mad woman with life in prison and no chance of parole.

That morning was brisk and exciting it was the 24th of December also known as Christmas Eve, the kids were in their onesies and the family sat and watching a movie against the firey amber fire place.

The movie ended, the kids went to their beds and dozed off, the night settling down to a extraordinary beginning.

The snow pounded on the concrete cobble stone ground, the choirs darted door to door singing their melody's, the whole house quiet the Christmas tree glimmering, the tip toes of Simon and Sophie stumbled toward their parents room they picked up the baby and tapped on their mum and dads shoulder, "Mummy! Daddy! It's Christmas Day!" Sophie howled, the two rose up in astonishment and kissed the duo on the forehead, "let's go see what Santa got you!" Alyssa said, a grin crept from her face the four of them walked downstairs and the presents toppled on one another and the tree full of secrets, Christmas secrets.

Sophie ripped open her first present which was wrapped in hot pink paper, it was... a unicorn soft teddy! It was a rainbow unicorn... she stared at it in awe, Simon demolished his wrapping and a Xbox one was stacked inside with many games, he got up and started dancing around the tree in complete happiness, Sophie opened her second it was a Nintendo switch with tons of games, she got up and hugged her parents intently, the presents were opened the awe arose the morning fled away and night crept to play.

Thank you guys so much for getting this story #7 on the #teoftw hashtag! I've been working so hard on this chapter 7 will be coming! 💫

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