wake up! (Chapter 8)

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The hospital light glowed James sat their not moving, his face full with blood and you apparently broke his left leg... he lay there, still.

Alyssa sobbed and whinned that night her mother forced her back home to sleep and she couldn't handle being without him in the bed... she cried, cried, cried and cried. Hugged the baby for comfort, that night was awful.

The next morning she rushed to the hospital and sobbing came once again, her tears uncontrollably flooded and her mind felt soggy her face red from tears and her eyes tired from a sleepless night, a sobbing night, and the saddest night ever, she couldn't stop thinking about him... she couldn't stop crying, it was hell.. she shook him "please wake up!" She pleaded, "please!" She cried, she kissed him and fell asleep on the chair.

She woke up and James was awake, taking medication and getting a leg cast, he was screeching in pain and tears fled down his cheeks, the worst start of 2020, nearly losing your husband, the car was completely tattered they'd have to go to the dealer and buy a new car, that night was full with tears and glad relief, "I love you." James whispered, he was glad to be alive to hug his beauty again...

That morning he done nothing unthinkable he went to a pet shop and got a shih szu dog, he hugged it and walked home, he opened the huge door of the home and Alyssa greeted him, "what did the doctors say about your fractured arm?" She said, he smirked "I didn't go." He replied, then he pulled out the shih tzu from behind him, Alyssa jumped him in pure excitement and held the fluffy creature in awe....

'James' she said coldly, 'you need to get a job' she said, he twiddled his thumbs 'you're right' he replied, he walked along to a local car dealership and bought the exact same car as he had, then drove to a computer programming agency named M•Xs PROG, he entered
James time for your interview
The voice rang he walked to the room he was asigned too, and a man tall slim stood in front 'so you want a job in my company.?' The man questioned, James gulped 'yes.' He replied the man nodded and got out a note book 'so tell me son, why?' He said, James thought 'because I really like programming stuff it's one of my strengths!' He said enthusiastic, the man chuckled, 'well, son you've got a the job.' He replied, James grinned 'sir I won't let you down!' He said, running out of the building and into the car driving home.

'Really! You work at the same work as me? In the exact same office?!' Alyssa said, she cheered
'Watch our for Mark my co-worker, he is quite the dick' she said, he nodded and they fell asleep

The two rise up from bed and James put on a casual outfit and his shoes and jacket, combed his hair then Alyssa and him left, they walked into the building and Alyssa led him to his seat, 'oh wow, your beside me!' She whispered, he giggled they entered the elevator and the catchy rom com music filled the tiny box, they laughed, then left the elevator and entered their office, Mark stood their arms crossed staring at James, James shrugged it off then sat down and got to work he was a programming genius he finished sixty programmes in two hours, and then the big boss came into the office and sliding a note on his desk 'well done, son!' The man said, expressing his happiness for the two, then the man left, James slipped open the letter

Dear James,

It's your sister, I'm free out of prison and I want to visit.

From your sis

James slipped the letter back into the envelope and placed in his pocket then started his work again, he finished everything

James and Alyssa report to front desk.

And so they did.

It was time for their lunch break and they walked to a local cafe which supposedly had great service, they entered the wood cafe and sat down a waitress approached them, "Hello there, how may I help you?" The lady said, the lady looked so tired and annoyed from this crappy work, her hair was tied in a messy bun and her mascara was all floppy and blobby, he smiled at her she smiled back, "I'll order a coffee and bacon roll." He asked, she nodded and noted that down "I'll have a large orange juice and a cheese roll." Alyssa said, the lady noted that and strolled off into the kitchen.

There food finally arrived they slurped and chewed it till it was finished and left a tip then strolled out of the warmth into the bitter coldness, they worked their socks off and their day ended they got into the car and drive home and snuggled up in the couch with their little puppy named buttons, that night lay quiet and roasting hot.

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