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the fairy lights glimmered in silence the whole family went on a day out and left the dog sitting wondering, why did they buy him.. he strolled off into the bitterness of the snow and ran down the street his paws aching from the grit,

Later that day James arrived home by himself to take the dog for a stroll round the woods, but when he walked inside the warm home, the back door was wide open, and dirty paw marks led out on the carpet led out into the coldness of the afternoon...

Tears formed in his eyes he leapt out of the home slammed the door and held his lead in his hand, he ran down the street and finally came to a halt, a crackhead sat dishing out his drugs and slurping them into his nostrils 'hey there son.' The man said, James
stared at the fellow in disgust, he had a sheepishly creepy beard which was a greyish brown he had brown eyes and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, he
sat their and held his hand out to James he had a bag with a white powder in it, 'take it son, makes ya feel better. Eh?' The man stated, James took the powder and shoved it into his pockets and then turned the opposite way from the strange man and started to run to his car, he stepped into the car and then looked in the rear windshield the man came running toward James a knife in his arms, then James noticed something he hadn't before, the man had buttons in his sack on his back... James stood out the car and tackled the man to the ground, then took his sack and picked the dog out of it, then stomped in the mans chest and ran off into the car and drive away to the police station

A guard sat in his twirly chair chomping on a large pink donut with rainbow sprinkles flooded on top of it, then he saw James enter holding his dog, 'eh? Hello there son? I think you've got the wrong place, this ain't the vet!' The man said, James chuckled 'No, I'd like to report a drug dealer!' James said, the man looked shocked, James handed the man the white powder zip-lock bag, the man held it and shoved it into the drawers of evidence, James exited the building and then got in his car

He arrived home and switched on his laptop then looked at his emails...

Unknown: WE SEE U


James' heart ached he turned off the laptop and ran to the restaurant which you left his family at... he turned to the waitress 'where are they?' James asked, the woman shrugged 'a man in all black came in and claimed you sent him here that take them home?' The woman replied. Confused. She went back to work and left James by himself in the diner, he sat at the bar bit, 'one vodka please.' He said, he never usually drank but today was a crazy and confusing day, he slurped the vodka in a thinking motion, 'can you give me a full bottle?' He asked, the lady handed him it, turn he left the diner with the bottle in his hand and started drinking it till it was empty he fell asleep on the curb of the sidewalk...

He awoke in a bed with tightly wrapped white blankets and a woman sat in front of him, 'hello, are you awake? I found you laying on the sidewalk blacked out.' The woman said, he rubbed his eyes, and saw her she had twisty blonde curls of hair and green eyes and with a red blush dotted around her face, 'what happened?' I asked, she shrugged 'I FOUND U!' She screamed, he leapt back in confusion... then remembered he saw a similar picture of a woman who looked exactly like her in Clyde AKA the man they killed years back, in Clydes home... 'you killed my hunny bun!' She cried, she held a knife to his throat 'Ive planned this meet for years, and now I finally have you!' She said, 'WHERES ALYSSA!' She grinned, he shrugged it DONT know.' He replied, she chuckled 'what do you mean you don't know?!' She said, the knife twiddling ready to be swung to him... he kicked her stomach and shoved her into the ground 'thank you for taking me here, but I will not be killed by your hand!' He screamed, shoving her off the balcony of her flat, he darted out of the premises and screeched into her car, he took to a halt at the diner and walked into his own car, with his dog whining and coming to his aid he needed a cuddle, he sat in that car for it felt like hours sobbing about how shit his life has been.... he then got a message on his phone

UNKNOWN- Hello, be at 99 shalder road in a hour or your whole family will be dead!

James started typing back in a complete sacredness...

James- what do you mean!

The anonymous person didn't reply... James sped off in complete despair I need them he kept crying out oftenly, stroking his dog when ever he needed company, he stepped out of the car... it was their old home... still white and pristine with a big bold FOR SALE sign sitting on the lawn he jammed into the home and saw Alyssa in a bundle of tears... 'they took the kids!' She whispered, 'Who's they?' James asked, she cried 'bonnie and clydes wife!' She said, James stood in complete shock... is that the same woman who tried to kill him was this the plan?

THANK YOU GUYS! So much for getting this story #1 !

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