Chapter 1

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Auram looked on at the Krawler in the undergrowth in front of him. If he took this one down, that would make 5 today. Plus if you make armour from the mouth of a Ranvier, it looked awesome. And it would give enough meat for the village to eat for days, or one big feast, which his village was fond of hosting. But with the help of the other hunters, as well as his catch, would probably last at least 2 days.
With a start, Auram realized he couldn't see the Krawler anymore. Silently cursing himself, he slowly rose and looked around. It wasn't to be seen anywhere.
All of a sudden, he felt a giant weight on his back. Auram fell over and felt the sharp claws of the Krawler dig into his back. Quickly Auram twisted his body and pushed the Krawler off of him, and faced it. It was an ugly sight, with a drill-like mouth, four legs, and a single eye. It shouted something from its drill-mouth and charged at Auram.
He side-stepped and lunged with his sword. It missed the insect but successfully made it angry.
It shouted again and 3 other Krawlers appeared behind the original Ranvier. Auram grimaced and held his sword tighter. He could still win this fight.
Then he heard a buzzing sound from above and looked up. A swarm of Krawlers known as Glail and Dendrite were gathering above him.
Auram cursed again and wished for the sanctuary of the trees in the forest, but knew he would never get that again. The Krawlers had forced them out 15 years ago.
Auram began to run. With Glail and Dendrite around, he would not win this fight. But he could not lead the insects to his village. It would be destroyed instantly. Then he thought of the Krawlers he had already killed and left a few yards back.
If he could make the other Krawlers think he was one, he might escape with his life, and still have something to share with his village.
Auram picked up the first carcass he came to and with distain realized it was a Krawler known as Spine. He sliced it open, pulled out all of the guts from inside it, and wore it over his armour. Just as he was pulling it on, the Krawlers caught up to him.
Auram's heart was racing as he slow started walking away. The Krawlers looked around, confused, and walked (or flew) away.
Auram breathed a sigh of relief and pulled off his disguise. He couldn't die now, not when his village needed him so much right now. Not when he hadn't said goodbye to his friends yet.
Auram shook his head of his thoughts, picked up his catch, and started walking home.

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