Chapter 2

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Ningirsu stared out at the forest, silently willing Auram to show up. All the other hunters had returned, so Ningirsu was worried.
As he looked out, he saw a Krawler walking over to the secret entrance to the village. He gripped his spear tight and prepared to attack, when the giant insect moved and Ningirsu was able to see that it was actually Auram with his days catch.
"Hey." Ningirsu called out to him.
"Hey." Auram called back.
"What's the password?"
"If there's a password, And I had socks, I'd eat them"
"Close enough." Ningirsu said, thrusting his spear into the grass wall behind him as a door appeared.
Auram nodded to his friend and walked into the secret passageway that would lead into the village. Ningirsu followed him.
As they walked in, Auram showed Ningirsu his catch.
"I got a Spine, a Receptor, and a Axon!"
"Only 3?" Ningirsu looked at his friend in shock. "That's 2 less then yesterday!"
"They're getting smarter." Auram replied. "I was ambushed."
"Oh." Ningirsu said as he looked down. "You were late. Ib was worried."
Ningirsu laughed. "Of course she's worried. She's practically your sister!"
"Oh, right." Auram looked a little sad at that, but Ningirsu couldn't figure out why.
"Auram!" A girl shouted as Ningirsu and Auram finished walking down the secret passage.
"Ib!" Auram shouted back as the village came into view.
"Where were you? The whole village was worried sick!"
Ningirsu laughed and whispered to Auram, "When she says the whole village she means her and Imduk."
Auram stifled a laugh.
"What are you laughing at?" Ib asked. She then left, probably thinking we were laughing at her.
"You should probably go apologize." Ningirsu remarked.
"Okay!" Auram said, happy for the chance to talk to Ib some more.
Ningirsu laughed and turned to go back into his house. As he walked, he noticed Aurams pet dragon, Imduk, sleeping outside the door.
Ningirsu smiled and walked inside. As he turned to go into his room, a voice came from the shadows, and said "Hello. I've been waiting for you."

The world's legacyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora