Chapter 4

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"Who are you?" Ningirsu asked nervously, fingering his spear. It was a long thing, but well balanced so as to not slow the user down. It was handmade as well. The voice had come from around the corner, in the kitchen.
"They call me Lee." The voice said. "Are you the one they call Auram?"
"Why does it matter to you?"
"That information is classified. Except to Auram."
"Classified? What does that mean?"
"It means only he can hear it."
Just then, Ningirsu heard the door open.
"Ningirsu? You in here?" He heard Ib call.
"Yeah, I'm in here." He called back.
"Why aren't the lights on?" She called back.
"Can you come into the kitchen?"
"Sure." Ib came over to Ningirsu.
"Oh." She exclaimed. "When you asked if I could come into the kitchen I assumed you would be in there."
"Well, I would be in there, but someone else is in there."
"Someone is in our house?!?" Ib looked at Ningirsu in shock. She lowered her voice. "You didn't chase them out?!"
"Chill!" Ningirsu chided. "She's looking for Auram."
"I'll go get him!" Ib cried to the kitchen.
Ningirsu sighed. "Hurry back!" He called. "Please." He whispered under his breath.
"Don't worry." Lee said from the kitchen. "I don't bite."
"It's not biting I'm worried about." Ningirsu replied.
"Then what are you worried about?"
"The Mekknights."
At this, Lee spat. "Mekknights, what monsters. They don't stop at anything for power."
"You hate them too?" Ningirsu asked surprised.
"Doesn't everyone?" Lee responded.
"Not Auram. He admires them."
"What?!?! Maybe he's not the right person for this task. That would mean..."
"Mean what?"
"Would you like to be my champion on this quest?"
"Absolutely. I need something new. But...."
"It's just that, I can't leave Ib, and she won't go anywhere without Auram, and HE won't go anywhere without Imduk."
"So we bring them along. But YOU, would be the man to lead them. You would be in charge. Don't you think you would be better at it then Auram anyway?"
"Of course." Ningirsu said. "I'm way better then him."
"And this might just be your chance to prove it! We pretend he's the one in charge, and then when he finds out that YOU were the one making all the decisions, he will HAVE to accept you're better then him! It's foolproof!"
"That's a GREAT idea!" Ningirsu said. "Count me in!"
"That's just the kind of spirit I'm looking for!"
Lee said.
Just then, Auram walked in.
"Auram!" Ningirsu said. "Perfect. You have a visitor." Ningirsu lean in close and said in his ear. "They say it's urgent." He whispered.
"Well." Auram said, with Ib walking in. "Then let's find out what's going on."

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