Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"IB!" Ningirsu shouted at the wall.
"There is no use." The world chalice said. "She cannot hear you."
"CURSE YOU!" Ningirsu yelled at the world chalice. "YOU JARGON!"
"Now now." The world chalice said. "No need to get foul in your language. I presented a riddle and you answered wrong. Now you're suffering the consequences."
Ningirsu pounded on the wall.
"Let me assure you, that wall is quite unbreakable."
"I don't care." Ningirsu said. "Just give me my sister back."
"Finish the next trial, and you will."
"Fine. Give me the trial."
"As you wish."
The wall opened up to reveal...
"That's the entrance to my village." Ningirsu said. "Why isn't anyone guarding it?"
"Enter to find out." The world chalice said.
Ningirsu slowly walked into the village.
"Where is everyone?" He asked.
"Gone." The world chalice replied. "When you, Auram, Imduk and Ib left, there was no one left to help keep the village safe. They decided to try to find a better job place to live."
"Where did they go?"
"Read the village elders journal."
Ningirsu made his way to the village elders hut. The village felt cold and empty. Ningirsu looked to the left and saw his and Ib's house, in shambles. He looked to the right and saw... nothing. All the houses in that direction had been absolutely demolished.
"What did this?" Ningirsu asked as he walked toward the end of the village, where the village elder lived (or, used to live).
"The krawlers. Not that it matters. No one was around to witness it." The world chalice replied.
Ningirsu looked around and saw a well that Imduk had fallen down and had led to the invention of a ladder. He smiled. Imduk has been so worried that he would never get out that Auram had taken a couple of branches and fastened them together to form rungs that Imduk could climb up.
He looked again and saw a price of rope on a tree that he had made so that the younger kids in the village could have some fun during the day.
Ningirsu's stomach burned at the thoughts of what the krawlers has done. How dare they destroy the village that Ningirsu and his friends and family had tried so hard to make perfect for the other people! Ningirsu muttered an oath to destroy every last krawler.
Ningirsu reached the village elders house and walked inside. It was surprisingly well kept, considering there had been a krawler attack.
He walked over to a side table and picked up the book at was there. He opened it up and moved to the last page. It read: day ?? of life in the village. Ningirsu, Auram, Ib, and Imduk left today. No idea why, but we assume they were attacked by krawlers and didn't escape. Either way, we must find a new home now. I hope the villagers will be able to cope with it, but we must leave even if they can't, with our best protector, mage, and hunter.
"What happened to them?" Ningirsu asked.
"I don't know." The world chalice said, not sounding concerned. "I would assume the Krawlers got them and now they're dead."
"No." Ningirsu whispered. "It can't be."
"Oh, but it is." The world chalice replied. "All because the fairy sent you on a quest, which left your village defenceless. All because you couldn't handle boredom, your people died. How does that make you feel?"
"No." Ningirsu said again. "Lee wanted Auram. He's the reason everyone's dead."
"Maybe." The world chalice said. "But now that you've suffered having all your friends dead, you may rejoin the others."
The elevator reappeared underneath Ningirsu's feet, and as it rose, he vowed that if the opportunity presented itself, Ningirsu would get revenge on the Krawlers for killing his people, and on Auram.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2020 ⏰

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