Chapter 7

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They could only see the top, but it was huge. Nearly the size of a house back in the village.
It was a giant ball with a stem reaching back further into the ground.
"Wow." Ningirsu said. "It's huge."
"Thanks for noticing." Lee said sarcastically.
"WHO DISTURBS MY ETERNAL REST!" A booming voice rang out.
The ancient artifact started glowing.
Ib looked around. "It sounded like it came from the, the..."
"World chalice." Lee supplied. "Said to be able to lead worthy hero's to the other world legacies."
"WHY DO YOU STAY?" It rant out again.
"We want to use you to be able to save our world from the evil Mekknights." Auram called back.
"Would you pass a test to prove your drive?" The world chalice asked, quieter.
"Certainly." Auram replied.
"Then step forward." The world chalice called, and started rising from the ground.
As it rose, Auram could see that it's stem wasn't attached to anything, and instead floated above a pedestal.
Auram, Ib, Imduk, and Ningirsu stepped toward it, and the pedestal opened.
"STEP INTO THE PEDESTAL!" The world chalice cried, loud again.
Auram looked at Ningirsu, who shrugged.
"I can't see why not." Ningirsu said.
"Alright." Auram said. "Let's do this."
Auram, Ib, Imduk, and Ningirsu stepped into the pedestal, and started falling slowly, as though it were an elevator.
"If a man started walking through the woods at 4:00am, when would he return home?" The voice of the world chalice asked.
"What?" Ningirsu asked. "I thought you were going to test us, not give us riddles!"
"Then you thought wrong." The world chalice said. "Give the right answer, and you may pass. Give the wrong answer, and you have to do the next part on your own."
"Ummm." Auram said, thinking. "I got nothing."
"Me either." Ningirsu said.
" What What" Ib kept saying.
Imduk laughed and scratched at the floor, looking for something to chase.
"Noon." Ningirsu said. "4 hours out and 4 hours back."
"Incorrect." The world chalice said. "You now suffer the consequences."
When the world chalice said that, the part of the elevator that Ningirsu was on broke off and started floating away.
"NINGIRSU!" Ib called.
Ningirsu looked as though he might try to jump to the original elevator. Just as he looked as though he had made up his mind, a wall appeared between them and Ningirsu.
"NO!" Ib yelled.
"Look, if we can finish the trial, he might let us get Ningirsu back." Auram said to her.
"Just try it."
Ib looked at Auram's big, trustworthy eyes, and agreed.
"Alright." Auram said. "First step is finding out the riddle."
"I guess it would depend on the type of man he is." Ib said. "Ningirsu likes taking long walks."
"Where as I do not." Auram said.
"So....our answer is a matter of opinion." Ib called out.
"Correct. You pass the first step." The world chalice said.
Auram smiled at Ib. "Ready for round 2?"

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