The Chunin Exams Start

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I don't own Naruto. I only own Yuki and the story idea.

Sakura had gotten a bit more stronger with the help of Yuki. The two girls walked up to Naruto and Sasuke. Sasuke just started walking up to the academy.

Naruto, Yuki, and Sakura saighed and followed him. "Do you think you two are ready?" Asked Naruto.
Yuki and Sakura nodded, "I think so," Said Yuki.

"I'm ready as I'll ever be." Said Sakura. Naruto nodded. He winked at Yuki who rolled her eyes and had a small blush.

They walked in and saw what was supposed to be the room the first exam was in. Yuki walked up to Sasuke and whispered to him, "This is a test to see weed out the weak ones."

Sasuke nodded and they walked away. Some older kids saw this and quietly followed them. Team 7 came up to the right door. At that moment Kakashi appeared with a puff of smoke and he eye smiled at them and said, "I'm glad you all came."

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura looked confused but Yuki sighed and said, "If one of us didn't come then the rest of the of us wouldn't be able to take the exam. Kakashi-Sensei didn't tell us this so we wouldn't push the others into taking the exam. He wanted us to do this on our own." Said Yuki.

The other two nodded in understanding. Sasuke rolled his eyes and he didn't say anything.

"I wish you all good luck." And he poof off. The team opened the door and walked in. They saw Ninja of all ages. Some was glaring at them and others were smirking at them.

"This is a little bit scary." Whispered Sakura to Yuki. Yuki nodded agreeing with her friend.

They soon met up with the others. Yuki and Sakura were glad to have their friends talking the exam. Kiba was being a bit loud and a older white haired boy told them about the exam.

They then meet the examer and then they were told to take a test. They had to sit with the people who had the same number at them. Yuki sat behind Naruto and Hinata.

'These questions are impossible. Wait! They want us to cheat! I hope the others will figure it out.' Thought Yuki.
She put her answers down and was soon ready for the tenth question.

She looked around and saw Sasuke using his Sharingan. Sakura already new this so she was just righting it down. Naruto he was doing the same as Sakura.

Hinata looked nervous but she still did great. Soon Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Hinata, Shino, Shikamaru and a few others. Through the exam people were caught cheating. There weren't as many people now as when they started. There were still a lot. Naruto was studing the people around him. Yuki got a bad feeling about the sound Ninja.

She sent a secret note to Naruto and he sent one back. It said to keep an eye on them and he will let the Hokage. Soon it was time for the tenth question.

The examer said, "It's now time for the tenth question." The exaamer said, take note before I tell you it that if you get this wrong you and your team won't be able to take the Chunin exam again. In the Ninja world you can't afford to make mistakes."

"What!" Everyone shouted. Yuki looked shocked and more nervous. Hinata looked scared. Naruto looked confused.
"That's not fair." Said Ino.

"In the Ninja world fair won't be taken into account. In the Ninja world it's kill or be killed." Said the examer.

Yuki looked down. She new this was true. She lost her parents on a mission. She was upset with her grandfather for some time. She soon forgive him. She now had her father's brother Asuma and her little brother and grandpa.

A few more people left after this. For some time no one moved. Then Naruto said standing up, "I won't let that stop me from becoming a Chunin. I won't just give up."

The examer looked at Naruto and then at everyone else and then smirked and said, "You all pass."

Everyone looked confused. "This was to test your information gathering skills. A Chunin's need to look not only out for their team but themselves to. If you get caught you will be forced to tell what you know. You all will be faced with this. Give in and your village will pay for it." Said the examer.

Yuki looked down. She hoped that wouldn't happen to her or her friends. Naruto glared. He would die father then tell the enemies what he knew. Sakura was shaking and looked like she was in over her head. Hinata looked like she was going to pass out. Sasuke was glaring at nothing but if you looked close enough you could see him shaking.

A few other people looked scared and nervous. At that moment there was a crash and a woman came through the window. She had purple hair that was in a ponytail. It was spiky. He had gray eyes. She was wearing a mesh dress and a trench coat.

"Anko you are early." Said the first examer. Anko looked a bit sheepish but then noticed how many people were in the room. "You let a lot pass this year. You must be lossing your touch." Said Anko.

"No. That isn't it. This much are better then most." Said the first examer.

"Alright you lot. I'm the second examer and you all will go to training ground 44. Also known as the Forest of Death." After saying that Anko left with a puff of smoke.

Everyone got up and left. "That was so intense." Said Yuki.

"No kidding." Agreed Sakura.

"It is the Chunin exams. It is supposed to be harder." Naruto told them.


I hope you all liked the chapter. I will try to update again soon. To anymone that is new welcome. I hope you like the story and enjoy everyone.

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