The fights and the next stage

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I hope you all enjoy.

It was a few days later that everyone was in a place in the tower that was for fighting. They were being told that this round is to help bring the numbers of them down more.

It was Sasuke that was first. He was going to f8ght the sound guy that attacked them.

They were nervous that Sasuke was going to lose. He was still tired and a little weak from the mark on his neck.

"Do you think he is trong enough to win?" Asked Yuki.

"I don't know. I saw him breathe hard last night." Said Naruto.

"You did?" Asked Kakashi.

"Yeah." Said Naruto.

Ino frowned and said, "I hope he doesn't get hurt."

The others nodded. They didn't want their classmate to get hurt.

Sasuke was able to win but just bearly. Kakashi had to take him to get the seal taken care of. It was a few more people that went be for it was Yuki's turn. She had to fight the girl Sound Ninja that was part of the team that attacked them.

Yuki was able to win. She moved fast and hit her enemy fast. She made sure she didn't say long in one spot.

Naruto and her friends were happy she won. Kakashi was too but he thougut that Sasuke would do better then the others. He thought the others would do well but Sasuke would do better.

Sakura went a few matches. She had to fight Ino. They fought well. In the end Sakura and Ino had a draw.

"You two did a good job. You still have some work to do but you did great." Said Naruto.

"Thanks." Said the two girls.

"Sakura you are have gotten stronger. Keep working and you will be really strong. You too Ino." Said Yuki.

"Thank you Yuki." Said Sakura and Ino.

It wasn't long and Shikamaru won against the last team member of the sound team that attacked them.

Kiba and Naruto fought next. Naruto won. Kiba wanted to win. He wanted to show that he was more stronger then Sasuke and Naruto.

It was soon Hinata fought Neji. Neji almost killed her. Yuki stepped in and sent him away a few feet. She helped the medics take Hinata to the hospital. She helped heal her friend.

Naruto didn't like what Neji almost did. He would take the idiot down. He would do it for Hinata.

It wasn't long and Lee too was almost killed. Naruto saved him. Yuki was scared. She wished that she hadn't won. She didn't like that this exams were this dangerous.

It was soon the end of the matches. Naruto had to fight Neji. Yuki had to fight who ever won the other matches. Sasuke had to fight Gara. Shikamaru had to fight Timari.


I hope you all like the chapter. Sorry for the wait. Enjoy.

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