You did what? Lee's surgery

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Enjoy and sorry for the wait

Yuki had been taking care of Sasuke. He was fully healed but was angry that they wouldn't let him leave. He was even more angry that he couldn't find his ninjas tools. Yuki had sealed them in a scroll that she gave to Naruto.

Yuki took a look at Sasuke's mind and saw that he still looked unstable. She put a few things on the paperwork for Sasuke. She left his room and saw Tsunade came over to her and say, "Yuki I have a special mind healer ready to take over for you. I need your help with Lee."

Yuki nodded. She was relieved to not have to put up with Sasuke anymore. She gave the mind healer her papers for Sasuke and she left. Tsunade told Yuki what she wanted to do to help Lee and that she would need Yuki's help. Yuki was more better in Medical Jutsu then the others.

Yuki agreed to help the best she could. Tsunade gave the information to Yuki so she knew just how this could be done. They were doing this while they headed to Lee's room.

Then they got there they saw Lee and Guy talking. "Lady Tsunade, Yuki-San." Said Guy.

"Hi you two. Me and Yuki here will do the surgery now. I hope this works. If not then I'm sorry that we couldn't help." Said Tsunade. Yuki nodded agreeing with Tsunade.

Guy said good luck to Lee and they headed off. Both Yuki and Tsunade got ready and then got to work when Lee was knocked out.

The surgery went good. It was long but it went good. Tsunade was happy to see that Yuki was advanced for her age in Medical Jutsu. Yuki looked into Medical books that Tsunade had wrote and books that had more info. The other medic Ninja's didn't bother looking into. When she learned this she was happy that Yuki wanted to know everything she could about Medical Ninjutsu.


Tsunade had to get back to work a little bit ago. She told Yuki to tell Guy and Lee how things went and too look after Lee till he could leave the hospital.

Yuki found Guy in the waiting room and said, "Guy-Sensei come with me. Lee is back in his room."

The two got to Lee's room and the Genin was still asleep. "Guy-Sensei Lee's surgery went good. Me and Lady Tsunade think that he should be able to try walking in a few weeks with his crutches. He should take it easy and slowly work at it. When Lee can move around again he can go home." Yuki explained.

Guy nodded and hoped Lee could walk and continue to be a Ninja. "I'll be looking after Lee till he can leave. I'll be back a little later with some food." Said Yuki as she left.


It was a little later that Yuki Came in and said, "Here's some food. I got some of the good stuff." Yuki winked at what she said and the two guys laughed.

"Thank you Yuki-San for taking great care of me ready." Said LLee with a smile and happy tears running down his face. 

"It no trouble. I will also help you to slowly walk again. You won't be doing that for at least a few wore weeks." Said Yuki. Lee and Guy nodded at this. Lee was sad he had to wait so long but knew not to push himself.


It was soon time for Guy to leave with other visitors. Then after Yuki checked on Lee one last time before she left. She got out if the Hospital and saw Naruto waiting for her. "Hey Naruto." Said Yuki.

"Hey Yuki-Hime." Naruto said back. They started to head to her house. Yuki told him what happened. He was glad that her and Tsunade tried to heal Lee. He hoped that it would work. He also hoped that they could heal Sasuke.

They soon came to Yuki's house. "Good night Yuki-Hime." Said Naruto kissing her on the cheek.

"Good night Naruto-Kun." Said Yuki with a smile and blush. She went inside and Naruto headed to his own house. He was happy to finally have Yuki as his girlfriend.


I hope you all like and I'm sorry for the wait. Enjoy everyone. I hope you all like it and bye to the next update. 😊

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