Rebuilding & getting the fifth Hokage

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Kakashi will explain why he acted the why he did in this chapter. I'm not going to do a Kakashi bashing.

It was a few weeks since the invasion and they were still rebuilding. Yuki was helping more at the hospital. She was healing people who were hurt during the invasion. Naruto and the others were helping the villagers rebuilded. Yuki would bring food and drinks for everyone.

They were getting along slow but they were going good. Naruto and Yuki would go out and eat when they had time or just hanged out.


It was a few days later that Kakashi told them that the elders were making him only train Sasuke. They were angry about this. They needed a new Hokage fast.

Jiriya told Naruto that he would take him with him to find the fifth Hokage. Naruto told his friends and Yuki they wished him good luck and Yuki gave Naruto two bento boxes for the first part of the journey.

This was on the same day that a group of bad people that was looking for Naruto came and attacked. Kakashi, Guy, and Asuma tried to stop them but Kakashi got stuck in a Genjutsu. Yuki and the other Medics tried their best to help him but only Tsunade could help Kakashi now.

Sasuke home how found out about his brother being in the Village and took off after him. Yuki hoped the two would be okay.


It was a little later in the day when Guy came back with Sasuke knocked out. Yuki saw he to was in a Genjutsu.

They had both Kakashi and Sasuke in the hospital. Yuki was unfortunately was tasked with taking care of Sasuke. A different Medic would be taken care of Kakashi.

Sakura had been telling Ino about what Naruto has been doing and how Sasuke has been acting. Ino started to not like Sasuke as much any more.


It was a couple of days later that Naruto, Jiriya, and Tsunade came back. Yuki was glad to hear that Naruto came back okay. Yuki had just checked Sasuke's vitals when Naruto came in with Tsunade.

"Yuki-Chan Tsunade-Sama will wake Sasuke up." Naruto said. Yuki nodded and stood back.

"Tsunade walked up to the Uchiha and she put a glowing green hand on his forehead and Sasuke soon woke up. He shoot up and took a few deep breathes.

"He will be fine now." Said Tsunade.

"Great. Thank you for the help." Said Yuki as she went up to Sasuke and checked his mental health. He seemed to be even more unstable then before.

"Oh, Tsunade-Sama Kakashi-Sensei's room is too rooms down from here." Said Yuki.

"Thank you." Said Tsunade. She and Naruto left. Yuki left Sasuke for a moment and came back with some food.

"Here Sasuke-San. Eat this. You need to eat to help yourself to get strong again." Said Yuki. Sasuke was almost done eating when Naruto came back in and whispered to Yuki, "Kakashi-Sensei is awake now. He will be fine after he rests for a few days."

Yuki nodded at this. She was glad that her Sensei was going to be okay. She saw a Medic that was higher up came in and said, "Yuki-San please talk with me outside." Said the female Medic.

Yuki nodded and they were a little ways away from the room door. "How is Sasuke-Sama?" She asked.

"He's fine. He is healthy but he is more unstable then he was before. I think he should be taken out of the Ninja program. He is going to be a danger to us and himself." Said Yuki.

"I can't do that. Sasuke-Sama is the only good Uchiha left. We need him make strong kids." Said the Female Medic.

"But he is unable! You can't ignore that. He shouldn't be a Ninja." Said Yuki.

"The new Hokage will be the one to make that decision. The elders want you to be taking care of him while he's in the hospital." Said the female medic and she then walked away.

Yuki sighed in announce. She walked back in the room and saw Sasuke was trying to attack Naruto, who was holding a Kunai up blocking Sasuke's.

"Sasuke Uchiha sit back down right now! You need to rest! You can't fight right now!" Shaped Yuki. Since she was already angry this made even Sasuke not fight back. He sat down and then layed down when he saw Yuki having a dark Aura around her. She took his Ninja tools and put them where he couldn't get to them.

"Now try to get some sleep. You need it to help you recover faster." Said Yuki. Sasuke soon was asleep. She sighed and turned to Naruto a little worried for her boyfriend.

"Naruto-Kun are you okay?" Asked Yuki.

"I'm fine Yuki-Chan." Said Naruto. "You stopped him before he could do anything."

"That's good. I knew he was unstable. He needs to have help from a Mind Medic." Said Yuki.

"He is?" Said Naruto.

"Yeah. I think when his brother put him in the Genjustu it was of once again replaying Itachi killing his clan over and over again." Said Yuki.

Naruto's eyes widened and he said, "That's why he's even more unstable."

"Yeah. He's a danger to us and maybe himself." Said Yuki.

Naruto and Yuki didn't know it but Tsunade was listening to them talk and she glared. She couldn't believe that they were letting a unstable Ninja continue to fight. She walked off, knowing the first thing she was going to do after she was made Hokage publicly.

She got all the paperwork ready to go. She worked on the Paperwork for the rest of the day. She was also thinking that Yuki would be a good aprentest. Tsunade wanted to teach someone else her Jutsu's. Yuki would be perfect. She already knew a lot of Medical Ninjutsu.


Naruto went to talk to Konahamaru. The soon to be eight year was glad for this. He was also glad that Naruto helped him feel better about people forgetting his grandpa.

Tsunade was announced to everyone that she would be the Fifth Hokage later that day. Everyone was glad to have her as the new Hokage.


The next day Tsunade talk to the Ninja Council. She told them about what Yuki found out about Sasuke. They were ticked off about the Civilian Council thinking they can do what ever they want.

They all agreed to take Sasuke off the Ninja program and focus on his mental health. They had all said yes and so Tsunade would get started on it right away.


I hope you all like the chapter. I will update again soon. Enjoy new and old readers.

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