If I Had Anyone To Be With, It Would be Maggie

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"Thanks again, Howard," McGregor said looking at the Arrowhead that was found. "Now we can complete the Cowboys and Indians exhibit in the children's history museum. This will be a busy Christmas for everyone knowing that the opening was on hiatus until we found the missing bow."

"I'm just here to help, McGregor," Howard replied.

They shook hands one last time before Howard left the artifacts room and put the museum's door in a hurry.

His phone began to ring the instrumental of Carol Of The Bells telling him there was a call incoming. It was his wife, Maggie.

He lifted his phone to his ear. "Hey, Maggie. Sorry, I couldn't call earlier, I was busy. What is it?"

"I was just wondering what you were doing before you got home." She said. "I miss you."

"I miss you too. I will be there tomorrow. I need to go now Alright? Bye."

"Bye, love."

He hung up his phone and waved at a taxi.

"Take me to the airport please." He told the driver.

After wiping his hands with his sanitizer wipe, he watched the snowfall from the sky at a fast rate. A rate that made him worry about his flight being canceled. That would mess everything up. Welcome to his world... or should I say my world.

Hi. My name is Howard Waters. I am the character that you are reading about in the story. I'm a clean freak, mild germaphobe, claustrophobe, and an Archaeologist. I have been married to Maggie for less than six months, this would mark our first Christmas together. And trust me, it's a disaster! It involves stealing a bus full of people, causing a police chase, being accused for a robbery, and having no choice but to be followed by a foul-smelling slob that has nothing better to do with his life. I would tell you the long-story-short details, but that wouldn't make it an enjoyable story. So...

... let's start from the beginning.

It was almost 6:30 PM when I arrived at the airport and the snow came down faster and was starting to get higher on the ground. I raced out of the taxi and hurried into the airport. I didn't bring anything with me on this trip except for my phone. That was it. Nothing else.

There was a huge crowd of people leaving the building complaining that the flights were canceled. I ran faster. A mother was telling her son that they will visit their father later than expected. I started running with every heartbeat bouncing out of my chest. Finally, there was a voice on PA That stated that the flight to Orlando was canceled. I felt all my hopes wash down the drain as I stood there dumbly. Many people groaned hearing the horrifying news over the loudspeakers, some (who looked stressed) cried softly.

I had to call Maggie. There was no possible chance of getting to Florida by plane. But what if I checked the bus stop? Driving in this storm? No. They wouldn't put as many as twenty lives in danger. What about trains? On the other side of town. It was official, I was trapped in the building of mourning and anger.

"Don't worry," I heard a man tell his family. "I got us a Transit to drive us there."

Transit! That had to be the best option I thought... if possible, the only option.

I hurried on the official Transit app and searched for anyone close by. Only one person. Lawson. No lst name, no profile pick, no license plate number, and only one 4.5 star review. Gee, this guy is that terrible? Well... it's all I have.

After I put my personal things into the app, I finally got contacted by the guy.

"Hello, Mate. Where are you off to?"

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